- Tropical Cyclone and Hurricane Glossary. 热带飓风词汇。
- A tropical cyclone occurring in the western Pacific or Indian oceans. 台风发生在西太平洋或印度洋的热带暴风
- Seasonal Forecasting of Tropical Cyclone Landfall over Mozambique. 登陆莫桑比克热带气旋的季节预报。
- Forecasting September Atlantic Basin Tropical Cyclone Activity. 月份大西洋海域热带气旋活动。
- A tropical cyclone brought heavy rain to the country last week. 上周一股热带气旋使该国受到暴雨袭击。
- Strong winds blow around the center of a tropical cyclone. 热带气旋中心周围刮着强风。
- The Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR) for tropical cyclone warnings. PAGASA的热带气旋警告负责区域。
- How will a tropical cyclone affect the ambient radiation level in Hong Kong? 热带气旋怎样影响香港环境辐射水平?
- Can the tropical cyclone warning system reflect winds in different regions of Hong Kong? 热带气旋警告系统能否反映香港不同地区风力?
- A Pronounced Bias in Tropical Cyclone Minimum Sea Level Pressure Estimation Based on the Dvorak Technique. 技术对热带气旋最小海平面气压估计的显著偏差。
- Tropical cyclone is a high wind speed whirlpool, developed over the warm oceans. 热带气旋是源于温暖的海洋,风力极大的旋涡。
- Terminal Doppler Weather Radar Observation of Atmospheric Flow over Complex Terrain during Tropical Cyclone Passages. 热带气旋通过期间复杂地形大气气流的终端多普勒天气雷达观测。
- What are the differences between the newly revised tropical cyclone warning system and the old system? 新修订热带气旋警告系统跟以前的有何不同?
- The intensity is given in terms of the maximum sustained wind speed near the centre of a tropical cyclone. 强度以接近热带气旋中心的最高持续风速来表达。
- What is the impact on wind speed when the rainband of a tropical cyclone moves across? 当热带气旋的雨带经过时,对风速有甚么影响?
- The tropical cyclone warning service is an important function of the Observatory. 发出热带气旋警告,是天文台一项重要的工作。
- Improvements in the Seasonal Forecasting of Tropical Cyclone Activity over the Western North Pacific. 北太平洋西部上空热带气旋活动季节预报的改进。
- The first tropical cyclone to affect Hong Kong did not come until the last day of July, which was the latest in any year on record. 此外,香港在七月三十一日才受到首个热带气旋影响,这是有记录以来香港最迟受热带气旋影响的一年。
- NOAA is one of the most experienced and leading tropical cyclone forecasting agency. 这无论如何都没有科学根据,顶多只是一个看法。
- Tropical cyclone tracks and intensity change are two important aspects in typhoon forecast. 热带气旋路径及强度变化是台风预测的两个主要方面。