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- There is a clear division of labor in ants. 蚂蚁间有明确的分工。
- Addition and division are forms of computation. 加法和除法都是计算方法。
- Is that a fair division of the money? 那样分款公平吗?
- The Bill was read without a division. 该法案未经分组表决即进行宣读。
- The division moved forward and broke new ground. 师团向前挺进,挖掘新的战壕。
- semi structured questionnaire 半结构式问卷
- Will Spurs be relegated to the third division? 斯珀尔斯队会降为丙级队吗?
- semi structured interview 半结构式访谈半结构式晤谈
- An administrative division of Turkey. 土耳其的省土耳其的一个行政区划
- The boy has learnt to do division. 这个小男孩已学会做除法。
- semi structured data 半结构化数据
- Any single cell division in such a series. 细胞分裂这种一组分裂中的任何一次简单细胞分裂
- Division into three parts or elements. 三分法分成三个部分或三个要素的行为或过程
- A unit division of a temperature scale. 度温度刻度的一个单位
- A structured collection of data objects, forming a data type. 多个数据对象的结构化汇集,以形成一种数据类型。
- The semi drunk man regarded them with fishy eyes. 那个半醉汉迷迷糊糊地看着他们。