- semen motility 精液运动性
- Methods:To analysis the semen quality of 414 cases infertile males with CASA, including the quantity and density of semen, livability, motility . 方法:应用计算机辅助精子分析(CASA)系统对414例不育男性精液进行分析。
- Meanwhile the research prompted that raising the level of carnitine in semen could increase sperm count and improve the motility and vitality. 同时,本研究提示提高精浆中肉毒碱水平将有助于增加精子密度,提高精子活率和活动力。
- All of these cells exhibit motility. 所有这些细胞均表现移动性。
- In rape cases the offender usually leaves semen. 在强奸案中,罪犯通常留有精液。
- OBJECTIVE To identify Semen Sterculia Lychnophora. 目的鉴别胖大学与圆粒苹婆。
- Semen is a fluid containing sperms. (牛奶是液体,内含蝌蚪。)
- Semen Armeniacae Amarum is commonly used in clinic. 杏仁一药为临床所习用。
- "To lose semen is extremely harmful for a sannyasi. “失去了精液对一个桑雅生来说是极为有害的。
- Semen is a fluid in which sperms swim. (牛奶是液体,蝌蚪游泳其中。)
- Normal semen was milky white or light yellow. 正常的精液呈乳白色或淡黄色。
- Methods The sperm motility parameters from 37 semen samples were analyzed by computer-aidded sperm analysis (CASA) before and after swimming-up treatment. 方法37例男性精液标本,经上游法处理后,应用计算机辅助精液分析仪分析精子各项运动参数。
- Ureaplasmarises male sterility by changing semen parametes,influcencing the modes of sperm motility,producing antisperm antibody and increasing sperm apoptosis. 解脲脲原体通过改变精液参数、影响精子运动方式、产生抗精子抗体、导致精子凋亡数增加而引起男性不育。
- The semen analysis prior to treatment revealed that none of the men had normally shaped sperm and 213 of the men had subnormal sperm counts or sperm motility. 术前的精液分析显示所有人都没有正常形态的精子,且有213人精子计数和精子活性低于正常。
- The semen analysis prior to treatment reealed that none of the men had normally shaped sperm and 213 of the men had subnormal sperm counts or sperm motility. 术前的精液分析显示所有人都没有正常形态的精子,且有213人精子计数和精子活性低于正常。
- The mixture of sperm and accessory fluids is called semen. 精子和附加的液体的混合物称为精液。
- "Wet dreams" are a natural way of releasing excess semen. 梦遗是排泄过多精液的自然方式。
- And frozen semen of Simmental may be reduced by 120 yuan of cost. 细管冻精配种可降低成本120元。
- Mak, Dioscorea hypoglauca palib, Semen plantaginis were not. Mak.;)、萆?(Dioscorea hypoglauca palib)、车前子(Semen plantaginis)则无抑菌作用。
- For differentiating bacteria based on motility and nitrate reduction test. 用于鉴别细菌动力和硝酸盐还原试验。