- Iconicity mainly concerns the corresponding relationship between syntactic form and semantic function. 象似性则主要涉及语法形式和语义结构之间的可论证性。
- Horwich s minimalism proposes the equivalence schema, and limits the concept of truth only in semantic function. 霍维奇的最小主义主张真理的等值图式,并将真理概念限定为语义功能,从而提出真理是形而上学琐屑的。
- This part of the thesis deeply researches into the semantic function and the syntactic function of the interrogative pronouns. 本文的语里意义包含了疑问代词的语义功能和句法功能。
- Meanwhile the semantics of the morpheme may also affect its semantic function. 义符的语义也会对它的示意作用有一定的影响。
- His tone after the adverb is that adverb, as in the sentence adverbial, pointing to a semantic function, pointing to the subsequent be modified ingredients. 语气副词是后指副词,在句中充当状语时,具有语义指向功能,指向的是其后的被修饰成分。
- With the development of linguistics,the research scope of antonymy and antonyms is being widened.New topics have arisen about form and structure,semantic function,antonyms clustering and context. 随着语言研究的深入,反义关系和反义词的研究视域也在拓宽,围绕形态结构、语义功能、反义聚合与语境等问题出现了不少新课题。
- Such textual function reduces its syntactical and semantic functions while enhances its referential link with the clauses that precede and follow it. 这种篇章功能削弱了它的语义和句法功能,增强了它与上句、下句的所指链条联系。
- Subjects of the unmarked passive sentence featuring definitiveness, can act as Topic of sentences in terms of semantic function and thus become objects of illustration, comment and description. 然后,对无标志被动句的功能进行了分析,认为无标志被动句的主语都具有定指性,在表意功能上,充当句子的主题语,是被说明、评判、和描写的对象。
- The exchanges of address and its semantic function 称呼的转换及其语用功能
- Rhyming Beauty and Semantic Function of English Idioms and Proverbs 英语习语、谚语的音韵美及语义功能
- Study on Semantic Function Grammar and Modern Chinese Grammar 语义功能语法与现代汉语语法史研究
- Research on the Semantic Function of English Intensifiers 英语强势词语义功能研究
- A constant, variable, function name, or expression. 一种常数、变量、函数名或表达式。
- A tissue is a group of similar cells which have an identical general function. 组织是一组具有相同的一般机能的类似细胞。
- What is his function on the committee? 他在委员会里担任什么职务?
- The sofa can also function as a bed. 这沙发也可以当床。
- On the Semantic Function and Translation of Japanese Predicative Modifiers 述定性连体修饰节的语义功能与汉译
- Some English adverbs function as adjectives. 英语中有些副词可作形容词用。
- The heart performs a vital bodily function. 心脏起著维持生命的重要作用。
- On the Semantic Function of English Metaphor and Its Different Cultural Models 论英语隐喻的语义功能及文化差异