- HNC concept primitive are elements of HNC semantic network. 词语的HNC概念符号来自于HNC(概念层次网络,HierarchicalNetworkofConcepts)建立的语义网络,以符号表达式的方式表示了词语的语义信息。
- The semantic network model proposedby Collins was tested in this stud-y. 本研究对柯林斯等提出的语义层次网络模式进行了检验.
- RBR process solution based on meta-rule semantic network was designed. 设计了基于元规则语义网络RBR工艺求解方法。
- In this study, 98 travel blogs on Tanshui were analyzed by semantic network analysis and content analysis. 本文利用语义网络分析与内容分析法解析98篇叙述淡水旅游经验的部落格文章。
- This network is similar to the semantic network system of Quillian, but is much more tightly controlled. 以分波多工技术为基础的光网路之高频宽特性可以满足此需求。
- Anderson (1983) raised his influential semantic network theory to elaborate the internal mechanism of human to store and process knowledge. Anderson(1983)提出了语义网络(semantic network)理论来阐述人脑对知识的存储和加工的心灵机制。
- For example, Lakoff (1987), Brugman (1988), and Tyler and Evans (2001) provide us with models of semantic network for the preposition over. 莱考夫(1987),布鲁格曼(1988)以及泰勒和伊万(2001)提出了介词over的语义网络模式。
- The abstractive content based retrieve experiments were made by the semantic matching procedure in constructed semantic network. 通过构造语义网络的方法和在语义网络上的语义匹配过程,进行了使用抽象信息层次信息实现检索的实验。
- Finally,the authors compare the object-oriented knowledge representation method with the semantic network and frame structure. 最后将面向对象的知识表示方法与语义网络和框架结构进行了比较。
- Secondly, making use of the special configuration of hypermedia, the semantic network is used to research knowledge representation. 其次,利用超媒体的特殊结构,使用语义网络方法进行了知识表示研究;
- In this paper based on the description of XML based component, we proposed domain oriented, hiberarchy component semantic network organization model and its function description. 在基于XML的构件描述的基础上,给出了一个面向领域的、层次构件语义网络组织模型及其功能说明。
- Results The improvement of network machine running condition provided better support to network equipment and ensured the nicety and reliability of the database of XiJing hospital. 结果:通过改善网络设备的运行环境,尤其是使用机房专用精密空调系统,对网络设备提供了更好的保障,保证了数据的准确率和可靠性。
- Chinese semanteme is analyzed by using the relevant technologies of natural language understanding and the method of knowledge-information based on semantic network etc. 摘要应用自然语言理解的相关技术、知识信息的语义网络表示方法等,针对中文语义进行了剖析。
- The paper mainly take the pathology case expression based on semantic network as a foundation, and discuss the detail to the uncertainty within pathologic case and the match based on semantic network within the case base. 本文的主要内容是以病理案例的语义网络表示为基础,对病理案例中的不确定性以及病理语义网络案例在范例库中的匹配进行详细研究。
- And then semantic paths are constructed heuristically between concepts of semantic networks by inference. 然后在文本概念间有引导地建立推理路径;
- The paper mainly discussed the sementic features of Sensory verbs, the opration mechanism of Chinese Synaesthesia and the construction of semantic network doninated by the core verb“see”. 该选题重点研究了感官动词的义征分析、汉语通感机制、动词“看”的义网建构三个方面。
- Based on analyzing and introducing the semantic Network of UMLS Knowledge Sources,which is developed by NLM,the semantic character and structure of the Network are emphatically discussed in the paper. 本文阐述了美国国立医学图书馆(NLM)的一体化医学语言系统语义网络的结构,重点探讨了该网络的语义学特点。
- These mental activities will establish in their minds relation among words and concepts --- semantic networks--- and thus strengthening the bonds between language and concepts. 这类思考过程在学生脑中产生字与字之间,词与词之间,和概念与概念之间的语义网络(semantic network),充实字词和概念的语义,能加强记忆。
- The paper mainly discussed the sementic features of Sensory verbs, the construction of semantic network doninated by the core verb“see” and the opration mechanism of Chinese Synaesthesia. 该选题重点研究了感官动词的义征分析、以动词“看”为枢纽的义网建构、汉语通感机制三个方面。
- Besides the linear notations for logic, reaschers in artificial intelligence have developed graphic notations called semantic networks. 除了线性逻辑符号,人工智能研究者还为逻辑开发了图形符号,叫做语义网络。