- The judge enjoined him from selling alcohol. 法官禁止他卖酒。
- He will sell his house at a sacrifice because he needs money. 因为他缺钱,他将亏本出售他的房子。
- He always charges me too much for his goods. 他总是向我索取过高的货价。
- Illegal and unjustifiable funds and charges. 不合法、不合理基金和收费项目。
- I wouldn't sell that picture for all the world. 我无论如何也不卖那幅画。
- He had to pay some additional charges. 他不得不付些附加费。
- We sell a wide range of ales and stouts. 我们出售种类繁多的浓啤酒和黑啤酒。
- His charges were met with cries of anger. 他的指控遭到一阵愤怒的反对声。
- Will 2,000 dozens be enough for selling? 两千打够卖吗?
- A good book does not necessarily sell well. 好书未必畅销。
- The banks were panicked into selling sterling. 银行因恐慌而抛售英国货币。
- How much do you think this radio will sell for? 你认为这台收音机会卖多少钱?
- He face three charges relating to firearms. 他面临三个与火器有关的指控。
- I shall have to sell up to pay all my debts. 我将不得不卖掉我的东西来还债。
- I will sell the house at a price within reason. 我将以合理的价格出售这幢房子。
- The hotel charges $20 a day, exclusive of meals. 饭店每天收费二十元,不包括用餐。
- Can you sell for us on a commission basis? 你能拿佣金替我们销售吗?
- Police preferred charges against him for theft. 警方指控他有偷窃行为。
- They bagged the potatoes to sell them. 他们把土豆装入袋中出售。
- He remained unruffled by the charges. 他受到这些指控仍处之泰然。