- We sell a wide range of ales and stouts. 我们出售种类繁多的浓啤酒和黑啤酒。
- It's difficult to sell a house with a sitting tenant. 住著房客的房子很难卖。
- David carried a dummy duck to the dock. 大卫带着一只假鸭到港口。
- Create a dummy file to pad out your iso if needed. 生成占位文件。
- He bumped many a dummy mine on his runs. 在他那几次航行中,他就撞上了好多个假水雷。
- Wow! Not a body, but a fashion model. A dummy! 哇!不是死尸,而是个时装摸特儿。一个假人!
- Create a dummy company to pay your bills. 创建一家傀儡公司支付你的账单。
- What a dummy !How could you fail your slang test? 你太笨了,怎么连俚语考试都不及格?
- Every ventriloquist carries a dummy of their own. 所有的口技表演者都随身带着人偶。
- I have no ideas of my own,I'm just a dummy doll.... 我没有自己的想法,我只是一个傀儡娃娃....
- I nailed down a contract to sell a thousand cars. 我敲定了出售一千辆汽车的合约。
- They sell a wide range of imported cosmetics. 他们买各种进口化妆品。
- Yes,ma'am,we sell a number of microwave oven types. 是的,太太,我们销售很多款型的微波炉。
- Most supermarkets sell a range of organic products. 多数超级市场都经销一系列有机产品。
- We sell a lot of these to people like yourself. 我们把许多这种东西卖给您这样的人。
- sell a dummy 做递球假动作骗对方,声东击西
- He will definitely sell a very good price! 一定能卖个大价钱!
- We sell a number of types of microwave ovens. 我们出售许多种类的微波炉。
- Don't let me see the world and yourself ,I am just a dummy doll... 不要让我看见这个世界和你,我只是一个傀儡娃娃...
- The record was a big hit and sold a million copies. 这张唱片非常成功,卖了一百万张。