- How England strengthens her fire fighter's self protection? 英国如何加强消防队员的自我防护?
- Members of the public may wear a face mask for self protection. 一般市民也可以佩戴口罩以加强防护。
- Actually one is striking first to gain the advantage when one finds oneself in disfavour a means of self protection in essence. 当感到对方不喜欢自己时,我们先下手为强。
- The ice maker control system provides functions such as self diagnoses, malfunction waming and self protection. 制冰机控制系统故障智能检测提示及多项自动保护等功能。
- The principle and design method of practical drive circuit for GTR with self protection is introduced. 介绍了一种实用的GTR自保护驱动电路的原理及设计方法,并对该电路的退饱和保护功能进行了测试。
- On Protective Technique in Rock Climbing 攀岩运动中的安全防护技术
- With the help of subframe protection technique,the actual system works continuously,stably and reliably. 利用孔径技术的子帧保护,应用于实际系统,能连续、稳定、可靠的工作。
- Fear of confrontation and unwillingness to express emotions which may lead to rejection, ridicule or other conflict robs the individual of self protection. 面对恐惧及不愿将情感宣泄可能会导致排斥,嘲笑或其他冲突剥夺了自我保护的能力。
- Recently, a new protection technique is developed based on the time graded overcurrent directional relay [1]. 最近,一种新的保护技术是发展的基础上,时间梯度过压继电器方向继电器[1]。
- I need to mediate and throw awway all the self protecting, hypocritical masks that I have to wear at work so that I could face my loved ones at home with a truthful heart. 我需要它来找回自己的平衡点,丢掉那些因为工作上需要来自保的虚伪面具,让我能诚心地面对自己的家人。
- Electroplating and thermo-spraying as thr protective techniques for irons and steels and their development were introduced in this paper. 钢铁基体防护技术实施的电镀,有电镀与热浸镀之分。
- Abstract: Enough stress is not laid on the relay protection technique for HF electrical equipment of the welded pipe in our country. 文摘:我国焊管高频电力设备在继电保护技术方面重视不够。
- These discourses and practices not only help sex workers maintain better control of their work condition, but also provide images of professionalism for the purpose of self protection from physical harm and social defamation. 在另一方面,这样的培力壮大并非个人的存活措施而已;相反的,它同时也是性工作专业的自我转化。
- A consumer shall strive to master all of the necessary information and the ability to use a commodity or service, shall use commodities properly and shall increase awareness of self protection. 消费者应当努力掌握所需商品或者服务的知识和使用技能,正确使用商品,提高自我保护意识。
- LED data control electronic fence light, can be mounted and maintained conveniently and posses the functions of waterproofing, dust-proofing, anti-damp and self protection as well. LED数控制电子护栏灯,不仅具有安装维护方便和具有防水、防尘、防潮及自动保护功能。
- A mother naturally feels protective towards her children. 母亲对自己的孩子自然会悉心保护。
- During the later stage of filariasis surveillance, self protection of health and treatment measure should be strengthened so as to control the onset of the illness and to abate the symptoms and signs. 后期监测患者应加强自身保健治疗 ,控制发病 ,减轻症状和体征。
- Hurt of organism by nucleal radiation and it's protective technique 核辐射对机体的损伤作用及其防护技术
- It is suggested that c fos, c jun and NGF mRNA expression in rat brain can be inducted by repeated +G Z exposures and they may poly an important role in the pathologic course or self protection effection of brain neurons damage induced by+G Z exposures. 结论:表明+ GZ 重复暴露可诱导大鼠脑组织c?fos、c?jun 和NGF m RNA 的表达,提示它们的表达增加可能在+ GZ 所致脑损伤中起病理或保护作用。
- They netted the fruit trees to protect them from birds. 他们用网覆盖住果树以使其免遭鸟害。