- This position is for network optimization system. 该职位的主要是网络优化系统工程师。
- This project aims to develop an auto-control unit of a direct-control optimizing system of green sand quality for a sand mixer. 本课题的目的在于研制一种用于型砂质量直接优化控制系统的混砂机加料自动控制单元。
- A grate-kiln intelligent optimizing system based on rough set theory was proposed due to its complexity, multivariable, strongly coupled and model uncertainty. 针时被控时象复杂、各参数之间相互辐合及难以建立精确数学模型的特点,提出了一种新的基于粗糙集理论的健篦机-回转窑智能优化系统。
- These data help FMS designers to optimize system performance. 这些信息可帮助设计者对系统进行优化。
- Finally the optimized system effectively improved the stability of EMSA. 试验表明优化后的体系有效地提高了EMSA实验的稳定性和成功率。
- An on-line RDP optimization system is also developed in this thesis. 论文还设计了反应精馏过程的在线优化实施方案。
- Distribution Information and Optimizing System 分配信息和最佳化系统
- performance monitoring and optimizing system 监控优化系统
- Continuously Updated Dynamic Optimizing System 不断更新的动态优化系统
- The optimal systems differ according to the criterion chosen. 按照所用准则之不同,最佳化系统便不同。
- They develop peak torque capabilities with high slide acceleration and low intertia for optimized system response. 他们产生最大转矩的能力比功能产生迅速滑动加速和最优化系统响应。
- I do not like to go to the movies by my self. 我不喜欢自己一个人看电影。
- I my self is going to make a sandwich. 我要亲手做个三明治。
- In this paper, a stable and optimal system for Phalaenopsis aphrodite culture plantregeneration was established. 本论文以蝴蝶兰为研究材料,采用组织培养的方法,在附加有植物生长调节剂的培养基上,诱导出愈伤组织,进而再分化出圆球茎,从而建立一整套稳定、快速有效的培养体系。
- He was a wreck of his former self. 他身体坏得不成样子,已兴从前判若两人。
- Knowledge of self increases as one gets older. 随着年岁的增长,人们的自我认识也不断加深。
- With running simulation, we can modify control logic and arithmetic and optimize system parameters. 运行纯仿真,以修正发动机仿真控制逻辑、制算法以及系统参数。
- Optimize system related to computer use in the normal operation to achieve the best! 系统相关优化,使电脑在正常使用中达到最好的运行状态!
- He's not looking like his old self lately. 他最近看起来不像以前那样。
- The Optimizer System modulates the strength of the heart's contractions rather than controls its rhythm. 相对于控制心脏的节律,它更加侧重增强心脏的收缩能力。