- It is a hand held, self contained, rechargeable cordless polish. 这是手扶, 独立性, 可再充电的无绳的擦亮剂。
- Two bedroom (4 persons) fully self contained split level penthouse apartment. 两居室(4位客人)全装修复式顶层阁楼。
- With this, you can setup self contained templates with their own data structures for assigning their own variables. 这样,你就能够建立包含自身的使用自己的数据结构的模板来给他们自身的变量赋值。
- Each sbu currently has a self contained logistics infrastructure and there is very little interaction between them. 每个商业战略区目前都有自己的后勤组织而他们之间的互动很少。
- Consider a bank that has separate "silos" - self contained application systems that are oblivious to other systems within the bank. 考虑一个银行有一些分离的“地窖”在银行内不为其他系统所知的自包含应用程序系统。
- Self contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) or positive pressure airline with mask are to be used in oxygen-deficient atmosphere. "当进入氧气浓度低于19.;5%25区域时;用自给式呼吸器或接有正压管路式呼吸器的面罩。"
- It is a semi disposable, bio compatible, non-allergenic, breathable, mass customizable, self contained body worn accessory. 这是一种自成一体的半即弃式体饰小件,具有生物相容性,不致敏性,透气性的特点,且可以大规模普及。
- Compass Country Cabins - Self contained accommodation in bushland setting. Location and facility details, maps, and photos of the area included. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
- The idea of NMEA is to send a line of data called a sentence that is totally self contained and independent from other sentences. NMEA的概念就是发送一条信息且是完全自我控制,独立于其他句子,称之为一句。
- One of the essential,functioning parts of a subsystem or equipment,possibly a self contained element,or a combination of parts,assemblies,attachments,or accessories. 子系统或设备的基本组成部分或功能部件之中的一个。它可以是一种独立的元件,也可以是若干部件、装配件或附件的组合。
- One of the essential, functioning parts of a subsystem or equipment, possibly a self contained element, or a combination of parts, assemblies, attachments, or accessories. 子系统或设备的基本组成部分或功能部件之中的一个。它可以是一种独立的元件,也可以是若干部件、装配件或附件的组合。
- Baumer Ltd. has introduced a new line of compact, high resolution inductive analog proximity sensors that are self contained and require no external electronics. 堡盟推出新系列紧凑型、高清晰度感应接近传感器,这些传感器自身含有电子器件,不需要外部再配置。
- As aircraft operations and maintenance are self contained,operation are possible from a large number of civilian,abandoned or damaged airfields whose number and distribution further increase the E 4B's survivability. 由于飞机集操作与维修于一体,从大量民用的、废弃或损坏的机场起飞都成为可能,这些机场的数量和分布进一步增强了E-4B的生存能力。
- The Hamworthy Super Trident Sewage Treatment unit is a self contained system for the treatment of sewage from ships or rigs before it is discharged overboard and so prevent the pollution of harbour and coastal waters and inland waterways. 大概意思我知道,就是一个船或钻井上的一个污水处理单元,在污水排放前的独立控制系统,防止港口和沿海水域和国内航道的污染。
- The gardener asked me for a rotary lawn mower. 园丁向我要一台旋转式割草机。
- self contained block of information 自含式信息组
- I do not like to go to the movies by my self. 我不喜欢自己一个人看电影。
- I my self is going to make a sandwich. 我要亲手做个三明治。
- The report contained a plethora of detail. 报告中细节过多。
- He was a wreck of his former self. 他身体坏得不成样子,已兴从前判若两人。