- His sole motive is to make more money. 他唯一的动机就是多赚钱。
- Her prime motive was personal ambition. 她的主要动机是为了实现个人的志向。
- I do not like to go to the movies by my self. 我不喜欢自己一个人看电影。
- I my self is going to make a sandwich. 我要亲手做个三明治。
- I don't understand what his motive is. 我不知道他的动机是什么。
- He was a wreck of his former self. 他身体坏得不成样子,已兴从前判若两人。
- He showed his sinister motive at last. 他终于露出了他那邪恶的用心。
- Knowledge of self increases as one gets older. 随着年岁的增长,人们的自我认识也不断加深。
- He's not looking like his old self lately. 他最近看起来不像以前那样。
- That was the motive that swayed with him. 那就是支配他的动机。
- He is my best friend, my second self, as it were. 他是我最好的朋友,或者说,是第二个我。
- His sole motive was to make her happy. 他唯一的目的就是使她幸福。
- There was no ulterior motive in his proposal. 他的建议里没有不可告人的动机。
- He never has any thought of self. 他从不考虑个人得失。
- He is now out of all conceit with his former self. 他现在全盘否定了他原来的自己。
- The motive for the crime was impenetrable. 那起罪行的作案动机叫人捉摸不透。
- Can we assign jealousy as the motive for the crime? 我们能否确定这一犯罪动机是出于嫉妒?
- The water provides the motive power that turns the mill wheel. 水提供了转动轮子的动力。
- The police have excluded robbery as a motive for the murder. 警方已排除该谋杀案中有抢劫的动机。
- He has an ulterior motive for wanting to see her. 他想见她是别有用心的。