- selective control structure 选择控制结构
- Whenever possible, use a control structure instead. 应该尽可能使用控制结构。
- You can also use pack to control structure packing. 还可以使用pack控制结构封装。
- Firstly, the basic control structure is presented. 给出了卫星姿态控制器的基本形式。
- You can select controls in other control layouts. 您可以选择其他控件布局中的控件。
- Summarizes how to transfer directly out of a control structure. 概述如何将数据直接传出控制结构。
- You can nest one kind of control structure within another kind. 可以在一种控制结构中嵌套另一种控制结构。
- The If.Then.Else control structure ends with End If. If.;Then
- The next most important part of a script is a control structure. 下一个最重要的部分是控制结构.
- Selective control of transportation of nutrition and metabolite into or out cell. 选择性地控制细胞内外营养物质和代谢产物的运送。
- If you select Control, then Variable type specifies the base class of the control you select in the Control ID box. 如果选择Control,则“变量类型”指定在“控件ID”框中选择的控件的基类。
- Moves the selected control to the top of the Z-order. 将选定控件移动到Z顺序的顶部。
- On the lowest priority node, right-click the host name, select Control Host, and click Stop. 在优先级最低的节点上,右键单击宿主名称,选择“控件宿主”,然后单击“停止”。
- Structured exception handling combines a modern control structure (similar to Select Case or While) with exceptions, protected blocks of code, and filters. 结构化异常处理将现代控制结构(类似于Select Case或While)与异常、受保护的代码块和筛选器结合起来。
- Discusses control structures used to repeat processes. 讨论用于重复进程的控制结构。
- Label closing braces in highly nested control structures. 在嵌套程度高的控制结构中标记结束。
- This example uses the FORM element to create a basic form containing a text entry box for the user's name and a select control for choosing a favorite ice cream flavor. 下面的例子使用FORM元素创建了一个简单的表单,其中包含一个用于输入用户姓名的文本框和用于选择喜爱冰淇淋口味的选择框。
- To realize the undulatory control of the flexible fin, a locomotory model is analyzed and a distributed control structure is designed. 针对柔性长鳍特有的波动控制问题,本文分析了柔性长鳍的运动模型,并设计了一种分布式控制系统结构。
- Moves the selected control down in increments of 8 on the design surface. 在设计图面上,将选定的控件以8为增量向下移动。
- Gushan anticline is the main controlling structure in Fengfeng mine district. 鼓山背斜是峰峰矿区的主控构造。