- You can select controls in other control layouts. 您可以选择其他控件布局中的控件。
- The control can either serve as a state indicator or as a state-switching selection control, but not both (see Figure 21-5). 控件或者作为状态指示器,或者作为状态转换的命令控件,但不能同时表示二者(如图21-5所示)。
- The character of the control has changed sufficiently to move it into an entirely different category: from imperative to selection control. 控件特征也完全改变成为截然不同的类型,命令控件成了选择控件。
- If you select Control, then Variable type specifies the base class of the control you select in the Control ID box. 如果选择Control,则“变量类型”指定在“控件ID”框中选择的控件的基类。
- Moves the selected control to the top of the Z-order. 将选定控件移动到Z顺序的顶部。
- On the lowest priority node, right-click the host name, select Control Host, and click Stop. 在优先级最低的节点上,右键单击宿主名称,选择“控件宿主”,然后单击“停止”。
- This example uses the FORM element to create a basic form containing a text entry box for the user's name and a select control for choosing a favorite ice cream flavor. 下面的例子使用FORM元素创建了一个简单的表单,其中包含一个用于输入用户姓名的文本框和用于选择喜爱冰淇淋口味的选择框。
- Moves the selected control down in increments of 8 on the design surface. 在设计图面上,将选定的控件以8为增量向下移动。
- The most basic entry control is a text edit field. Like selection controls, entry controls represent nouns to the program. 最基本的输入控件是文本编辑字段,和选择控件一样,输入控件向程序表达名词。
- With the tinning steel plate selection control system of WISCO's cold rolling plant No.2 shearing production line as an example,the technics process of steel selection control system is introduced. 以武钢冷轧厂镀锡2%23剪分选控制系统为例,介绍了镀锡带钢分选控制系统的工艺过程,详细讲述了带钢定位跟踪和分选控制的运行原理和控制思想。
- Aligns selected controls along the bottom edge of the dialog box. 将选定的控件沿对话框的下边缘对。
- Move the selected control below the other control and observe that the snapline is shorter. 将选定控件移动到另一控件之下,可观察到对线变短。
- Select controls to size, align, move, copy, or delete them, and then perform the operation you want. 选定控件以调整大小、对齐、移动、复制或删除它们,然后执行所需的操作。
- Selective control of transportation of nutrition and metabolite into or out cell. 选择性地控制细胞内外营养物质和代谢产物的运送。
- Move the selected control to the left of the other control and observe that the snapline retains the value observed in step 4. 将选定控件移动到另一控件的左侧,可观察到对线保持为第4步中所观察的值。
- Because you can select controls from different sections, such as the label in the section header or footer, there is considerable flexibility. 由于您可以从不同的部分选择控件,例如页眉或页脚部分中的标签,因此存在着很大的灵活性。
- Change the Margin property of the selected control by expanding the Margin entry in the Properties window and setting the Top property to 5. 通过展开“属性”窗口中的Margin项并将Top属性设置为5来更改选定控件的Margin属性。
- Aligns the selected controls along the right edge of the dialog box. 将选定的控件沿对话框的右边缘对。
- The accept button might not be activated if the currently selected control on the form intercepts the ENTER key and processes it. 如果窗体上当前选定的控件截获Enter键并处理它,则“接受”按钮可能不被激活。
- That shop has a fine selection of cakes. 那家商店有各种精美的糕点供我们选择。