- Impossible but true, the volunteer’s signature has mysteriously traveled from the selected card to another. 不可能但真实, 志愿者的署名神奇旅行了从选择的卡片到另一个。
- The selected card is slowly sandwiched between the two Jokers and that's when some VERY strange stuff starts to happen. 选择的卡片慢慢地将夹在中间在二个说笑话者之间,并且那是一些非常奇怪的材料开始发生。
- Perform a card man routine where a selected card is shuffled between two jokers in the fairest possible manner. 执行一个卡片人惯例,一张选择的卡片被拖曳在二个说笑话者之间以最公平的可能的方式。
- A selected card is continuously discovered in between the two Jokers, each time more impossible than the last. 一张选择的卡片在二个说笑话者之间比持续连续地被发现,每次不可能。
- The selected card visibly impales itself onto the chain, leaving it in an impossibly linked condition. 那张观众选到的牌就在眼皮底下穿进项链,造成不可能的链接情况。
- Dr.Michael Rubinstein makes a signed coin and selected card reappear in an empty card case with Case Solved. 迈克尔鲁宾斯坦博士提出了签署硬币和选定的卡片出现在一个空卡病例的情况亟待解决。
- With Turner's Key Card, you will be taught how to locate a selected card, by touch only, after a spectator has shuffled it into the deck. 与特纳的钥匙卡片,在观众拖曳了它入甲板之后,你将由接触仅教如何找出一张选择的卡片。
- Holding the deck in his hand, he waves it over the hanging chain, suddenly the selected card jumps out from the deck and impales itself onto the chain. 魔术师拿着这副牌,在项链上晃了晃,突然,那张观众所选到的牌从整幅牌中跳了出来,并穿进了项链。
- That shop has a fine selection of cakes. 那家商店有各种精美的糕点供我们选择。
- When you turn the cards over you will see that the sword of the marked King of Spades has stabbed the marked selected card. 当你转动卡片在你看见锹的明显的国王的剑刺中了明显的选择的卡片。
- That store has a good selection of furniture. 那家店有很多家具可供挑选。
- The selection was weighted against me. 那次选拔对我不利55。
- The magician asks a spectator to name a card, ANY CARD, and as she names the selected card, the bottle is uncorked and the spectator himself takes the paper roll out of the bottle. 魔术师要求观众命名卡片, 任一张卡片, 并且当她命名选择的卡片, 瓶吐露并且观众采取本文卷在瓶外面。
- She helped to select a dress for Ruth. 她帮着给露丝选了一件衣裳。
- A probe in a manual information retrieval operation that may be passed through holes or notches to assist in sorting or selecting cards. 在手工信息检索操作中使用的一种金属针,可以穿过卡片小孔或切口,用来帮助对卡片进行排序或选择。
- A three-digit selection in a numbers game. 三位数抽彩数字游戏中的3位数选择游戏
- She only stays at select hotels. 她只住一流旅馆。
- Can student willfully select the course? 学生可以随意选择课程吗?
- A select group were invited to the wedding reception. 一群经过挑选的人士被邀请参加婚宴。
- Select the drive in which you want to store the document. 选择想把文件存储在其中的驱动器。