- The selection response of this method was compared with standard QTL selection and regular best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) selection. 结果表明,优化选择要优于标准QTL选择和常规BLUP选择。
- Effects of 5 and 20Hz magnetic field(MF) on brain response were compared in 22 normal subjects during selective response(SRP) and selective mental arithmetic(SMA). 基于在脑电频率范围内的磁场剌激对脑过程可能有调制作用的假设,并在已取得结果的基础上,本文在22名正常被试者中比较了5Hz和20Hz的磁场剌激对进行选择反应(SRP)和选择心算(SMA)时脑反应的影响。
- I hurried in response to my friend's summons for help. 我应召急忙前去帮助我的朋友。
- Copy the selected items to the Clipboard. 将所选项目复制到剪贴板
- This simple method gives only an indication of the intensity of selection responsible for the inception and maintenance of clinal variation. 这个简单方法只能说明对梯度变异开始和保持起决定作用的强度。
- Do you want to delete all selected items? 要删除所有选定的项目吗?
- Updates the selected items in the Briefcase. 更新公文包中选择的项目。
- Opens selected items with the program you specify. 用指定的程序打开所选项目。
- I selected a passage from Milton. 我从密尔顿的作品中选出一段。
- He selected an extensive reading course this term. 这个学期他选修了泛读课程。
- He was selected as the district attorney. 他被选为地方检察官。
- He made/gave no response to my inquiry. 他对我的询问未予回答。
- Edits the selected category or code item. 编辑选定的类别或代码项目。
- His idea received an enthusiastic response. 他的想法获得热烈的响应。
- Last spring we selected 14 items for elimination. 去年我们淘汰了14种口味
- The analysis of selection response for foreign pigs 外种猪选择进展分析
- Only categories with selected items are available. 只有在其中选定了项目的那些类别才可用。
- His speech called forth an angry response. 他的话惹人生气。
- She selected a diamond ring from the collection. 她从收藏品中挑选了一枚钻石戒指。