- Allows you to add the selected objects to a group you select. 允许您将选定的目标添加到您选择的组。
- Lists the currently selected object or objects. 列出当前选定的一个或多个对象。
- The code wizard for the selected object appears. 出现选定对象的代码向导。
- To select objects that are hidden, stacked, or behind text, click Select Objects, and then draw a box over the objects. 要选择隐藏的、堆叠的或文本背后的对象,请单击“选择对象”,然后在对象上方绘制一个框。
- Select objects that are part of a group (group: A collection of objects that behave as one for the purpose of moving, resizing, or rotating them. 选择作为组(组合:对象的集合,在对其中的对象进行移动、调整大小或旋转时,这些对象表现为一个整体。
- Use to adjust the size of the selected objects within the report. 用于调整报表内所选对象的大小。
- Use to move selected objects into the background or foreground. 用于移动所选对象,将其作为背景或前景。
- First, you’ll need to create a buffer around those customers and then use the Boundary Select tool to select objects (cities) within the buffer range. 首先,您需要创建一个缓冲区围绕这些客户,然后使用边界选取工具选择对象(市)范围内的缓冲区。
- The parent, and the children of the selected object. 父对象和子对象。
- Extended properties can only be displayed for the selected object. 只能显示选定对象的扩展属性。
- In Microsoft Office Outlook 2007, on the Format Text tab, in the Editing group, click Select, click Select Objects, and then draw a box over the objects. 在Microsoft Office Outlook 2007中,在“设置文本格式”选项卡上的“编辑”组中,单击“选择”,单击“选择对象”,然后在对象上方绘制一个框。
- Depth-cued 3D controls. Zoom to selected object, etc. 深度上的视觉提示的三维控制;缩放所选的物体等.
- The dependency pane shows the list of objects that use the selected object. 相关性窗格将显示那些使用选中对象的对象列表。
- The object with the keyboard focus is not necessarily the selected object. 具有键盘焦点的对象并不一定是选定的对象。
- Enable Soft Body - This enables the softbody system on the selected object. 该选项在选定的物体上启用柔体系统。
- Control is currently setting one of the properties of its selected object. 控件当前是否正在设置其所选对象的某个属性。
- Each set of tabs shows only the properties specific to the selected object. 每组选项卡仅显示选定对象特有的属性。
- Info pane displays detailed information about the currently selected object. 信息面板显示当前选择对象的详细信息。
- Freeze. Makes the current transformations on the selected objects be the objects' zero position. You can select Translate, Rotate, Scale, or All from the submenu. 冻结。使当前选择的物体的变换变成物体的零位置。你可以从子菜单中选择冻结移动,旋转,缩放或者所有。
- She helped to select a dress for Ruth. 她帮着给露丝选了一件衣裳。