- Under Image control, click Washout in the Color list, and then click Recolor. 在“图像控制”之下,单击“颜色”列表中的“冲蚀”,然后单击“重新着色”。
- The hue value of the selected color. 选定颜色的色调值。
- Image - adjust - selective color. 菜单图像-调整-选定颜色。
- Inverts selected color channels of a video. 此滤镜用于翻转所选色彩通道的颜色。
- Under Calendar options, in the Background color list, click the color that you want. 在“日历选项”下的“背景色”列表中,单击所需的颜色。
- A possible component of any UI that allows users to select colors. 任何UI的可能组件都能允许用户选择颜色。
- Cur - Displays the current selected color number on the colorband. 当前-显示在色带中当前选中的颜色数字。
- Cur- Displays the current selected color number on the colorband. 当前-显示在色带中当前选中的颜色数字。
- All selected colors are already in the palette. 调色板中已经包含所有选中的颜色。
- Customizations include a number of supplied skins or the option to add your own; selectable color schemes of trays and background; programmable sound effects and music play list with support for your own MP3, MIDI and WAV files. 定制包括很多供应皮肤或选择增加你的自己;托盘和背景的可选的颜色计划;有对你的自己的MP3,MIDI和WAV文件的支持的可编程的音响效果和音乐戏表。
- It is the same dialog box that you see in other Windows-based applications to select colors. 此对话框与您在其他基于Windows的应用程序中看到的用于选择颜色的对话框相同。
- You can easily select colors from the palette to preview your future web-project design right now. 你可以在调色板中选择你想要的颜色,效果区会给出相应的预览。
- Displays examples of selectable colors as alternatives to the list of basic colors. 显示可选择的颜色的示例以替代基本颜色列表。
- That's rather an effective use of color. 这种使用颜色的手法效果相当好。
- Click Recolor whole picture to apply tints of the selected color to the entire picture. 单击“整张图片重新着色”以将所选颜色的色度应用于整张图片。
- The application features the eye-dropper for selecting color from anywhere on your screen. 该应用软件特别推出了一个用于在你的屏幕上的任何位置选取颜色的点滴器功能。
- Integrated color filters allow for the sensing of selected colors only. 综合彩色滤光片允许遥感选定的颜色只。
- Click Leave black parts black to apply tints of the selected color to only those parts of the picture that are not black or white. 单击“黑色部分保留黑色”以将所选颜色的色度仅应用于图片中不是黑色或白色的部分。
- She helped to select a dress for Ruth. 她帮着给露丝选了一件衣裳。
- In the Name list, select the check box for a color category. 在“名称”列表中,选中颜色类别的复选框。