- Principle and method for making seismic structural map by stacked migration section 用地震叠偏剖面编制构造图的原理及方法
- seismic structural map 地震构造图
- The eccentrically braced steel frame is a very popular seismic structural system in some strong earthquake zones. 摘要偏心支撑钢框架结构体系是一种非常适合强震地区的抗震结构体系。
- Make a structural map, foregrounding whatever aspects of the model you find relevant. 制作一份结构图,突显出你认为在这个模型中找到的相似处。
- Using a notation system discussed in class or one of your own devising, make a structural map of your longer sonic event. 使用我们在课堂中讨论到的记谱系统,或是自己的设计,制作一份结构图说明你的长声音物件。
- C.Su, M.T.Leu, M.S.Wu, S.H.Lai, and C.C.Chern, Structural Mapping of the 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake Fault, Taiwan by Seismic Reflection Methods.TAO,13,211-226, 2002. 集集大地震断层破裂面几何形貌及强地动衰减模式,中国地质学会89年年会论文集,2000年。
- Method Through overlapping plotting by using fine structural map, the traps aboveand bellow the igneous rocks in block Gao 39 were rerecognized. 方法应用精细构造图进行交汇作图的方法,对高39块火成岩上、下圈闭进行重新认识。
- Question 14: Can the structure map of development plan of Fuzhou City be provided? 可否提供福州市的发展规划结构图?
- The structure map and sample scores of Mr.Bao Yuankai's three symphonies are also attached. 文后另附鲍元恺三部交响曲的结构图表及谱例说明。
- Based on practice,introduces a way how to implement a dynamic showing of multilevel structure map and remark map by layer in homepage courseware. 基于实践,介绍了网页式课件中,利用层来实现多级结构图的演示及注释说明式图片的一种方法。
- The corresponding supposal in terms of ecotourism spatial structure and resources exploration structure map are advanced. 提出“一带、三区段、十大重点生态旅游区”的生态旅游资源空间格局构想,给出资源开发格局图。
- Firstly, this paper analyses a lot of obstacle of the single structure map database and the map simple object of map database. 本文首先分析了传统的单一体系结构的地图数据库存在着许多不足和地图简单对象数据库的缺陷;
- A selection of grid parameters is usually ignored When structural maps are made by using a workstation software. 摘要在利用工作站软件进行构造成图时,网格参数的合理选取常常被忽视。
- This is not a true structure map; rather it represents a combination of post-Mississippian topography and structure, the latter imposed by post-Pennsylvanian tilting. 这不是一张真正的构造图,确切地说,它代表着密西西比纪后的地形和在宾夕法尼西纪后又经翘起的构造的综合形象。
- This is not a true structure map;rather it represents a combination of post-Mississippian topography and structure, the latter imposed by post-Pennsylvanian tilting. 这不是一张真正的构造图,确切地说,它代表着密西西比纪后的地形和在宾夕法尼西纪后又经翘起的构造的综合形象。
- Four kinds of ridge like structures, saddle structural lithological ridge, fault lithological ridge, anticlinal lithological ridge and lithological ridge, can be identified from the structural map. 从该构造图上识别出油气向西部斜坡带运移的4种脊状构造,即鞍状构造-岩性脊、断层-岩性脊、背斜-岩性脊和纯岩性脊。
- There is a map of the world on the wall. 墙上有张世界地图。
- He spread the map flat out on the floor. 他把地图平铺在地上。
- The road we should take is marked on the map. 我们要走的路已经标在地图上了。
- As a case study, patch reefs in NW Palawan basin are used to discuss the impacts of selected grid parameters on structural mapping by comparing effects of different parameters. 以西北巴拉望盆地发育的点礁为例,通过时比不同参数的成图效果,讨论了网格参数选取时构造成图的影响。