- Corroborated by the coherency attributes,in both seismic section and slicing,root-mean-square amp... 同时使用相干属性体,均方根振幅属性,以及它的水平切片和垂直切片来精细刻画断层。
- Seismic sections show the response of the earth to seismic waves. 地震剖面是地壳对地震波的响应。
- Long array data will present cannon offset and low frequency wave in high resolution processing, reduce the resolution of seismic section. 在进行高分辨率地震资料处理时,长排列资料往往会出现大炮检距的波组低频化现象,使得地震剖面的分辨率降低。
- Corroborated by the coherency attributes, in both seismic section and slicing, root mean-square amplitude attributes was used to describe faults. 同时使用相干属性体,均方根振幅属性,以及它的水平切片和垂直切片来精细刻画断层。
- It results in the falsification on acoustic logging curves, which has effect on the correlation between composite seismogram and actual seismic section. 该文根据实测井径资料 ,提出了浅层声波测井曲线校正方法。
- A reference layer is the thick stratum with stable sedimentary environment, and it corresponds to a high-amplitude and continuous reflector to be easily traceable in the seismic section. 参考层在研究区是一套沉积环境相对稳定、厚度较大的地层,它对应于地震剖面上的一个振幅较强、反射轴连续并易于追踪的反射界面。
- Finally the perfect threecomponent seismic sections have been achieved. 本次试验取得了良好的三分量剖面。
- The Daqing oilfield 3D processed seismic data result proves that there are some more clear reflection events,faults and stable waveforms within each reflection layer on the seismic section. 在大庆油田三维地震区块的资料处理结果表明 ,成果剖面中各反射层位波组特征清楚 ,层间信息丰富 ,波形自然稳定 ,断层走向清晰 ,断点干脆 ,能够较好地满足地震资料解释的要求。
- The course concentrates on subsurface structural techniques and the interpretation of seismic sections and cross sections as applied to structural geology and prospect generation. 该课程以地下构造技术以及用于构造地质学和描绘远景的地震剖面和截面图解释为中心。
- Supersequence boundaries are characterized by truncation, onlap and toplap etc. on the seismic sections and sudden change of lithology and logging curve. 超层序界面在地震剖面上最明显的特征是出现削截、上超和顶超等反射终止现象,岩性、测井曲线也发生剧烈变化。
- It concentrates on subsurface structural techniques and the interpretation of seismic sections and cross sections as applied to structural geology and prospect generation in compressional, extensional, and strike-slip tectonic areas. 课程以地下构造技术以及用于挤压、张性、走向滑移构造区内构造地质学和远景描绘的地震剖面和截面图解释为中心。
- Based on the stratigraphic thickness, ages, lithosphere, porosity and seismic sections, the sedimentary and subsidence history can be obtained from subsidence curves by using backstripping analysis. 摘要将地震剖面与钻井资料结合起来,根据钻井取得的地层厚度、时代、岩性、密度、孔隙度等信息,对剖面上任意点进行回剥分析,并运用均衡原理绘出沈降曲线,从而给出沈积史和构造史。
- The available seismic sections with high quality for structure interpretation have been obtained in the exposed area of Triassic-Sinian carbonate from the middle of Guizhou to southeast Sichuan. 应用这些方法技术,在黔中-川东南三叠系-震旦系碳酸盐岩裸露区获得了可用于构造解释的高品质地震剖面;
- Producing colour seismic section by GS-6410 computer 在GS-6410机上实现地震剖面彩色显示
- He has lived one section of miserable life. 他过了一段悲惨的生活。
- Signals control each section of the railway track. 各种信号控制着铁路轨道的每个部分。
- A hinged or removable section for a table top. 活动桌面桌子上部有铰链连接或可移动的部分
- First the surgeon performed the section of the blood vessel. 外科医生首先切开血管。
- He lived in a quiet section of uptown. 他住在住宅区的一个安静的地段。
- He occupied the other section of Martin's house. 他占用了马丁房子的另一部分。