- seismic liquefaction potential 地震液化势
- During geotechnical engineering investigation,adopting the true clay particle content is basic and important to deal with seismic liquefaction. 岩土工程勘察实践中,得到正确的粘粒含量是进行液化判别的前提与基础。
- Men Fulu and Cui Jie.Influence of Building Existence on Seismic Liquefaction of Subsoils[J].Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 1997 ,Vol. 26. 陈文化等.;有建筑物存在的饱和砂土地基液化振动台模拟实研究[J]
- The method of BP neural network based on MATLAB is introduced. It is applied to the evaluation of the sandy soil seismic liquefaction with satisfactory results. 介绍利用MATLAB神经网络工具箱训练BP网络的方法及其在砂土震动液化评价中的应用,取得了良好的效果。
- The result indicates that the liquefaction potential of the foundation is greatly reduced. 分析表明,考虑3种作用后,处理后的高速公路液化地基在地震作用下液化的可能性大大降低。
- The key parameters associated with damage evaluation consist of damaged length, peak ground acceleration, and liquefaction potential index. 灾损评估时的重要参数包括破坏长度、最大地表速度和液化潜能指数。
- The result shows that treatment of liquefiable foundation w ith the gravel piles has great advantage and the liquefaction potential reduced. 研究成果表明,干振碎石桩用于处理液化地基具有较大的优越性。
- Earth dam of yuecheng water reservoir is located high intensity seismic region, seismic liquefaction of of body and foundation of the dam is the important factor of the security of dam. 岳城水库土坝位于地震高烈度区,坝体和坝基的地震液化是影响大坝安全的重要因素之一。
- Vaid, Y.P. and W.D.L. Finn, "Static Shear and Liquefaction Potential," J. Geotech. Eng. Div., ASCE, Vol. 105, No.GT10, pp.1233-1246 (1979). 叶国梁;"台湾西部外海抽砂回填土壤动态特性之研究;"国立台湾海洋大学河海工程研究所;硕士论文;基隆;(1994).
- In this dissertation, the studies on dynamic behavior of soils and liquefaction potential of saturated sands are briefly reviewed. 本文简要地回顾了土的动力特性以及砂土震动液化研究进展。
- Seed, H. B.,Idriss, I. M.,and Arango,1983,“Evaluation of Liquefaction Potential Using Field Performance Data”Journal of Geotechnical Engineering,vol.109,No.GT3,pp.458-482. 叶文谦、吴建闵、钟毓东、余明山,1998,“液化风险与土壤改良评估案例”,地工技术,第67期,第43-54页。
- Chung, K. Y. C., And Wong I. H., "Liquefaction Potential of Soils With Plastic Fines," Soil Dynamics And Earthquake Engineering Conference, Southampton, July,(1982). 杨腾芳,"细料在过压密及前期微震作用下对饱和砂性土壤液化潜能之影响",国立台湾大学土木工程研究所硕士论文,(1986
- Seed, H. B. and Idriss I. M.(1971)“Simplified Procedure for Evaluating Soil Liquefaction Potential”Journal of the Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division, ASCE, Vol. 97, No.SM9, pp. 1249-1273. 黄俊鸿、杨志文(2001),“以集集地震案例资料建立土壤临界液化强度曲线”,中国土木水利工程学刊,第十三卷,第二期,第339-352页。
- Seed, H.B. and Idriss, I.M.,1971,“Simplified Procedure for Evaluating Soil Liquefaction Potential”Journal of the Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division,vol.97,No.SM9,pp.1249-1273. 黄俊鸿、陈正兴,1998,“土壤液化评估规范之回顾与前瞻”,地工技术,70期,页23-44。
- Juang, C.H., Chen, C.J.,Tang, Jiang,T., and Andrus ,R. D.(2000),“Risk-based Liquefaction Potential Evaluation using Standard Penetration Tests,”Canadian Geotechnical Journal,Vol.37, pp. 1195-1208. 林呈、孙洪福(2000),“见证921集集大地震(上)(下)-震灾成因与因应对策--初版”,麦格罗.;希尔出版公司。
- earthquake-induced liquefaction potential 地震液化势
- evaluation of soil liquefaction potential 砂土液化势评价
- light loam liquefaction potential 轻亚黏土液化势
- Characters of schistose structure of Nanjing's sand and seismic liquefaction of subsoil of a metro section 南京砂的结构特性与地铁地基液化判别
- Flow-slip deformations induced by seismic liquefaction and preliminary test results 液化流滑变形模型及初步实验