- The area is largely covered by loess,bedrock outcropped locally,and surface is mainly farmland,woods and constructions,made the shallow seismic geological condition complicated. 对该区原始资料运用了静校正、干扰波去除、反褶积测试、精细速度分析、偏移成像、修饰性处理等处理技术,较好地解决了地表高差问题、增强了有效信号,剖面的信噪比明显提高。
- complex seismic geological condition 复杂地震地质条件
- seismic geological condition 地震地质条件
- seismic geologic condition 激发源
- Though the petroleum geological conditions are excellent in mid Kuqa, exploration in the area is slow due to poor quality of seismic data. 摘要库车坳陷中部石油地质条件优越,但由于地震资料品质差,制约了勘探进程。
- Combined with the result of one dimensional synthetic acoustic curve and seismic geological interpretation, comprehensive constrained inversion forms primitive impedance model along with layers. 反演依靠一维合成声波测井的结果,以地震地质解释的成果为约束,顺层横向递推形成初始波阻抗模型。
- This paper puts forward the engineering geological evaluation of seismic risk of Jiaozuo-Hebi mine areas by the analysis of seismic geological background and finite clement calculation. 本文通过对地震地质背景分析和数学有限元计算,最后提出对焦作-鹤壁矿区地震危险性工程地质评价。
- It plays the important guidance role in oilfield development,especially for the oilfield development of complex geological condition. 它对油田开发,特别是对地质状况复杂的油田开发,具有重要的指导作用。
- In view of a lot of casualties and properties loss, evaluating work on seismic geological hazards is strongly recommended for choosing new-site of reconstructing towns or analogous zones. 鉴于本次地震导致的大量人员伤亡和巨大的财产损失,在进行城镇灾后重建工作或类似山区城镇规划时,强烈建议进行地震地质灾害评估工作。
- Construction technology and quality control of large diameter super-deep bored pile under complex geological condition are introduced. 介绍在复杂地质情况下超深大孔径桩基施工技术和质量控制措施。
- Actually and theoretically we attemp to discuss the relationship between the geological condition , mining factor or time factor and the coal burst. 试图从实际上和理论上论述地质条件、开采因素和时间因素与冲击地压发生的关系.
- The contrast analysis of thermal simulation to actual geological condition shows that this rule exists in geological history. 通过模拟条件与实际地质条件的对比分析认为,在地质条件下也存在上述规律。
- This paper introduces the application of equi-block indexation method in geological condition evaluation of comprehensive mechanized coal mining. 介绍了等性块段指数法在矿井综采地质条件评价中的应用。
- Due to the geological condition changes and abnormal earth magnetism behavior,some abnormal deviations happened with the MWD device. 在对接井施工过程中,由于出现了地磁变化异常和地质条件变化,致使MWD导向系统出现了一定偏差。
- The applying event function of Luling coal mine of Huaibei mining group has been created according to the geological condition and the Gas Outburst. 结合淮北芦岭矿的井田地质条件和瓦斯突出状况确立了该矿井瓦斯突出事故树事件函数;
- TGP damsite has an excellent engineering geology condition. 三峡坝址工程地质条件优越。
- The extremely complicated geological conditions in the Kuqa foreland basin,Tarim have brought great difficulties in seismic prospecting and resulted in a high risk in oil and gas exploration. 塔里木盆地库车山前高陡构造带的复杂性造成了地震成像的困难和解释的多解性,增大了勘探风险。
- Located at shoal area and having been reclaimed, Xiamen Shihushan Coal Terminalproject is under complicated geological condition. 厦门石湖山煤码头工程地处滩涂区域,已填海造地,该区岩面起伏较大,地质复杂。
- Seismic geological disaster effect 场地地震效应
- Synthetic seismogram is an important ligament of seism and geology and its precision straightway affects the calibration of the seismic geologic horizon. 合成地震记录的精度直接影响到地震地质层位的准确标定。