- There are 4 seismic active periods in Yunnan, but only 3 in Andaman Arc and Myanmar, lacking of the third active period. 云南有4个地震活跃期,但安达曼弧与缅甸平原却只有3个,缺失第3活跃期。
- The Nonlinear Acceleration Regularity of the Large Seism During ?Seismic Active Period and the Trend Prediction of Large ?Seism for Future Three Years in Yunnan 云南地震活跃期的大震非线性加速律及对未来3年大震趋势预测
- seismic active periodn. 地震活跃期
- The active period of earthquakes accords to the most recent active tectonic stage, while the time of seismic quiescence consists with the last stable tectonic stage. 地震活跃期与最新断块活跃期相吻合,而地震平静期与末次断块稳定期相吻合。
- The main active period of the fault is early Himalayan period. 断裂的主要活动期为喜马拉雅早期,而在喜马拉雅中晚期进一步对其进行改造。
- seismic activity period 地震活动幕
- Migration of the seismic activity is found before a big event. 发现了大震前地震活动性的迁移。
- In a seismic zone, seismicity usually could be divided into relative active period and relative inactive period. 在同一个地震带内,地震活动常可分为相对活跃期和相对平静期。
- Seismic activity of the Eurasian belt was relatively calm. 亚欧带的地震活动相对沉寂。
- Possibly they can sense seismic activity before an earthquake. 可能它们会提前感觉到地震活动。
- 5th seismically active period 第五地震活跃期
- In active period of SLE, patients in group HL had a significant higher positive incidence of ANA than those in group HH. 在疾病活动期,HL组患者的抗核抗体(ANA)阳性率明显高于HH组患者。
- Large areas of this country are defined as zones of high seismic activity. 这个国家有大面积的区域处于地震活动高发地带。
- Temporal variation of the seismic activity along the active fault is closely related with similar variations in others. 沿活动断层的地震活动性随时间的变化与其他活动断层的类似变化密切相关。
- In addition, this week filch of date of all sorts of network game Zhang " BMW " a series of familial trojans download implement enter active period. 此外,本周窃取各种网络游戏账号的“宝马”家族的一系列木马下载器进入活跃期。
- Taiwan is located on a seismically active stretch of the Pacific Rim. 台湾位于太平洋沿岸地区地震活跃带上,
- We believe the seism around the area is in the fourth active period,and the next moderate earthquake will probably happen in the Chaidamu area. 0地震进行了分析,得到了该区5级以上中强地震的活动规律,认为研究区内地震活动正处于第四个活跃期,下一次中强地震发生在柴达木地震带的可能性较大。
- The scientists positioned the seismic activity as being along the San Andreas fault. 科学家们找到了沿着圣安德烈亚斯断层的地震活动位置。
- Miocene to the present time is the most active period for the post-fault thermal subsidence in China's offshore Tertiary basins. 中新世末至今是中国近海第三纪盆地裂后热沉降最活跃的时期,伴随着裂后构造再活动,断裂活动也十分活跃。
- Abstract Objective To study the values of detecting antibodies of mycobacteria tuberculosis in the diagnosis of tuberculosis in active period. 摘要 目的 探讨血清抗结核分支杆菌抗体对活动性结核病的诊断价值。