- seine skiff 围网渔艇
- Skiff Miller was rounding the curve. 斯基夫·米勒亚在转弯。
- The boat is sailing up the Seine. 小船在塞纳河中逆流而上。
- Pedrico is looking after the skiff and gear. 彼得利科在守着船和船上的东西。
- The skiff was dancing at the stern. 小艇直在海浪中摇摆。
- We have cut them down to a skiff now. 我们搞得他们只剩一条小艇了。
- This point of the Seine is dreaded by mariners. 塞纳河的这一处是水手们害怕的场所。
- Seine is a famous river of the world. 塞纳河是世界上著名的河流。
- Seine River and its branches form the chief commercial waterway of France. 塞纳河及其支流构成了法国主要的商业运输水路。
- Huck, I'll take you right to it in a skiff. 哈克,我马上带你划小船过去。
- "Pedrico is looking after the skiff and the gear. “佩德里科在看守小船和打鱼的家什。
- A small bird came toward the skiff from the north. 一只小鸟从北方朝小船飞来。
- The Seine River divides the city into two parts. 塞纳河将该城分为两部分。
- May I have the use of your skiff? 我可以借用一下您的小艇吗?
- Take a stroll along the Seine River. 沿著塞纳河漫步。
- When my skiff had left behind it. “两岸猿声啼不住,轻舟已过万重山”,多么壮丽的山川,多么畅快的归途,多么飘逸潇洒、神采飞扬的诗句啊!
- He was an old man who fished alone in a skiff. 老人独自驾着小艇,与永恒的大海一样,不会褪色。
- But the Parisian say, have no Seine have no Paris. 而巴黎人说,没有塞纳河就没有巴黎。
- Alle vier Wochen sieht Reichert seine Familie. 莱夏特每四星期与家人团聚一次。
- Non, il est juste au bord de la Seine. 不远,它就在塞纳河边上。