- The size of each shared memory segment in MB. 以MB为单位的每个共享内存块的大小。
- Put the STACK segment in the main module. 把堆栈(STACK)段置于主模块中。
- Conclusion Glycyrrizin has first-pass effect in intestine. 结论甘草酸经口服后肠道有较高的首过作用。
- segmentation in intestine 肠分节运动
- Function of bunching segment in multi-cell RF gun[J]. 引用该论文 杨兴繁;许州;刘锡三.
- GIST in intestine and mixed cellularity showed more malignant than others. 小肠部位的GIST和混合型的GIST肿瘤恶性程度相对高(P<0.;05)。
- Objective To study the absorption mechanism of Nizatidine in intestine of rats. 目的研究尼扎替丁在大鼠肠道中的吸收机理。
- VDA dynamically identifies different protocol segments in a packet. 垂直数据分析(VDA)动态识别一个包中不同的协议段。
- Objective To investigate the influence on free radicals in intestin al mucosa and serum of adhesive ileus rats. 目的观察针刺对粘连性肠梗阻大鼠肠黏膜和血浆自由基的影响。
- The ACL-SIGHAN sponsored the First International Chinese Word Segmentation in July,2003 in Japan. 2003年在日本札幌举行了第一届ACL-SIGHAN国际中文分词竞赛。
- For dysentery with blood, pain in intestine area, bleeding in the urinary tract, parasites, leprosy. 治温病血痢,肠风溺赤,黄疸酒毒,又能袪风逐水,杀虫,治大风疥癞。
- Finally the plate was precisely located through color segmentation in HSV space and incline rectification. 最后对粗定位车牌在HSV空间进行颜色分割和倾斜矫正,从而精确定位出车牌。
- Clostridium perffringens belong to normal bacteria in intestine in both man and animal. 产气荚膜梭状芽孢杆菌是人和动物肠道的正常菌群,亦是条件性致病菌。
- The AKP activity of the mucous membrane in intestine was higher than one of the normal animal. RV感染可引起机体营养不良、贫血、水肿和免疫低下;肠黏膜上的AKP活性增强。
- In his paper, he discusses the important issue of word segmentation in a new romanisation, with some parallels drawn from pinyin. 他与另一位成员密切合作,驻扎在云南省西部专门研究白族语言十余年;其论文探讨了中国少数民族新创罗马拼音文字的字词切分,以及汉语拼音文字对少数民族语文影响的重要问题。
- Its occurrence is often associated with the malabsorption in intestine or increased excretion from kidney. 镁缺乏的发生通常与肠镁吸收障碍和(或)与增加肾镁排泄有关。
- CommonSegmentFinder Tests to see which of the CANDIDATE features have even one segment in common with any BASE feature. 公共边检查:候选要素是否具有与基准要素相同的公共边。
- For the task of image segmentation in image processing, we propose a arithmetic of image processing based on fuzzy cellular automata. 针对图像处理中的图像分割任务,我们提出了一个基于模糊元胞自动机模型的图像分割算法。
- Neutropi I L-selectin expression and MPO levels in intestine tissue were significantly lower in group HSH than those in group RL at all times. 休克复苏后中性 粒细胞L-选择素检测;各时相点HSH组明显低于RL组(P<0.;01);
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。