- He is going the pace and his property will soon run out. 他生活奢侈,财富很快就会花光。
- Louise set the pace in planting trees for his classmates. 路易斯在植树中给他的同学们做出了榜样。
- Mother set the pace so that her children would keep up with her. 妈妈定了速度好让她的孩子们能够跟上她。
- The fastest runner set the pace and the others followed. 跑得最快的人确定了步速,其他人在后面跟着跑。
- If we let the fastest runner make the pace the others will be left behind. 如果我们让跑得最快的人领头跑,其他人就会跟不上。
- The captain set the pace for most of the course in this year's marathon. 那位队长在今年的马拉松赛跑中大部分时间领先。
- The pace of further development is slow. 进一步改进的步调是缓慢的。
- seesaw the pace 轮换领先
- When the pace got too hot for him,he disappeared. 他感到跟不上时,便溜之大吉了。
- He slowed the pace as they crested the ridge. 当他们到达山脊时,他放慢了步伐。
- We'll see you at Pick Up The Pace! 到时候再看你的步伐将加快!
- The pace of negotiation has been quickened. 谈判的速度已经加快。
- The pace of the team began to slow. 队伍的步伐慢了下来。
- You set the pace . I will try to adjust to you . 你按你的步调来,我会尽量和你保持一致。
- The pace of local tax reform will be quickened. 加快地方税改革步伐。
- But it never stopped the pace of it. 可是它从未停止过它的脚步。
- In any year some of the students on this crash course find the pace too hot for them and drop out before Christmas. 每年都有一些修这门速成课的学生觉得课程负担太重而于圣诞节前辍学的。
- The pace of London life is enormous. 伦敦生活的节奏很快。
- The road is very narrow, so the traffic police have to set the pace for the drivers. 这条路非常窄,所以交通警察不得不给司机规定出驾驶速度。
- The pace of change has accelerated. 变化的步伐在加速。