- I can't see beyond the building that blocks the view. 我看不见大楼那边,大楼挡住了视线。
- The house whose roof you see beyond the bank is Mr. Suzuki's. 在银行的那一边,可以看到房顶的那幢房子是苏祖基先生的。
- Can you see beyond several days what will happen? 你能知道几天后会发生什么事吗?
- Debby has never seen beyond her nose. 黛比一向缺乏远见。
- To be a witch is to see beyond the barriers. 意味着对世俗的樊篱的超越和远见卓识;
- You cannot see beyond the horizon. 你望不到地平线之外。
- He strained his eyes to see beyond the thick cloud of dust. 他竭力想透过尘埃看清那边的东西。
- They see beyond the black and white to discover your true colors. 他们能够明辨是非,看清真正的你。
- The world I see beyond your pretty eyes makes me want to stay. 从你闪亮的眼中看到远处的世界让我想要停留。
- Some people are unable to see beyond how to get enough food for the day. 有些人对如何维持生计毫无主见。
- Others see beyond the law's black letter and into the ideas that animate it. 另有一些教授,则能透过法律文字的表面,洞穿其中真义。
- He could see beyond the shoulder of Golden Sands, out toward the open Gulf. 越过金沙公寓大楼肩角前方,他能看到辽阔的墨西哥湾。
- He is by no means a good businessman because he cannot see beyond his nose. 他根本谈不上是位精明的生意人,他总是鼠目寸光。
- He can see beyond the simple happenings to their farthest implications. 他能透过简单的事件看到其最深远的含义。
- The weathermen are unable to see beyond a few days what the weather will be like. 气象预报员无法预见今后几天的天气情况。
- My father didn't want to offer money for my education. He could not see beyond the end of his nose. 我父亲不想为我的教育花钱,他对这个问题没有远见。
- Lofty as it was, this wall was overtopped by a still blacker roof, which could be seen beyond. 那道墙尽管很高,但仍从墙头露出一道更黑的屋顶,那便是新大楼的屋顶。
- It is fortunate that diplomats have long noses since they usually cannot see beyond them. 好在外交官们都有个长鼻子,因为他们一般是眼光不过鼻尖的啊。
- The vegetables price is on the rise now: I can't see beyond the end of the year. 蔬菜价格正上涨,我不知道年底会涨成什么样子。
- There's too much to see beyond Auckland to justify spending too much time in the city,so head south to Waitomo. 除奥克兰外,其附近还有许多美得让人留恋忘返、值得一看的胜景,所以千万别错过去南面的怀托摩。