- It is the earth's 40 mile deep crust with which we are concerned when we seek the cause of earthquake. 若我们寻求地震的原因,这40英里地壳恰恰是我们关心的地带。
- It is not fair to blame others for everything; you should also seek the cause in yourself. 这件事不能总责怪别人,也要善于反求诸已。
- In all that is said by the doctrinarian objection above presented, there is no question of anything but effect, we seek the cause. 在上面提到的那种教条主义的反对言论里,谈到的只是效果,而我们要找的是起因。
- The research focus in the roll casting field is to ascertain the cause of flatness defect and to seek the way of automatic flatness control. 根据铸轧板形缺陷的表征特点,建立了铸轧板形的数学描述。
- In all that is said by the doctrinarian objection above presented, there is no question of anythingeffect, we seek the cause. 在上面提到的那种教条主义的反对言论里,谈到的只是效果,而要找的是起因。
- A expert system for DADC to be composed of knowledge base, inferencer, data base and user machine I/O system was developed to seek the cause of casting defects formation. 开发出的DADC专家系统,可用来寻找铸件产生缺陷的原因。它由知识库、推理机、数据库和人机接口4部分组成。
- Europa arose, and began to seek the dear maidens of her company. 欧罗巴起床来,去找那一群跟她一同游乐的姑娘。
- On the basis of that, we try to seek the cause of formation of Mandarin with Xuzhou accent, and try to summarize some strong elements and effeminate elements in Xuzhou dialect in a way of Continuum. 本文的研究拓展了由传统的研究纯方言和纯普通话(标准普通话)向研究不纯的方言和普通话的新路子,对语言的发生、习得有一定的启示,可以推动理论语言学的发展;
- A swine over fat is the cause of his own bane. 猪因壮死(象以齿焚)。
- We stand up for the cause of liberty and justice. 我们拥护自由和正义。
- His ardour for the cause inspired his followers. 他对事业的热情激励着他的追随者。
- The raven will seek the carrion. 渡鸦爱觅腐尸。
- The society was dedicated to furthering the cause of world peace. 该协会致力于推动世界和平事业。
- It was hot enough now to make us seek the shade. 这时天气热得使我们得找个荫凉地方。
- One should do his best for the cause of world peace. 一个人应该为世界和平事业尽最大努力。
- You seek the orb that ought be on his tomb. 你们寻找的圆球,本应在这位骑士的墓里。
- The coach tried to analyse the cause of our defeat. 教练努力设法分析我们失败的原因。
- She claims she never sought the limelight. 她说她从不爱出风头。
- A bacterium is identified as the cause for his duodenal ulcer. 一种细菌被断定为造成他十二指肠溃疡的根源。
- Seek the path of least resistance. 寻求最小阻力的途径。