- You must seek redress in the law courts for the damage to your car. 你的车子受到了损坏,你应当通过法律途径要求赔偿。
- You must seek redress in the law courts. 你应当通过法律途径要求赔偿。
- We can complain to their professional body and seek redress. 如果他们达不到要求,我们可向他们的专业机构投诉并索赔。
- An even more telling one will be whether minority shareholders will be able to seek redress against chaebol trampling on their rights. 另一个考验更能说明问题,中小股东是否能够对践踏他们权力的财团要求赔偿。
- The provisions in this Regulation and related sections of the Code are without prejudice to a seafarer's right to seek redress through whatever legal means the seafarer considers appropriate. 本规则和守则的相关部分的规定不得妨碍海员通过其认为适当的任何法律手段寻求纠正的权利。
- In 2003, some 5,500 people, including teachers and parents, visited the education ministry in Beijing to seek redress over issues ranging from high fees to corruption and unpaid wages for teachers. 2003一年间,5,500多人包括教师和家长到北京的教育部上访,反映关于高学费、腐败以及拖欠教师工资等问题。
- OK of course, like you company of this kind of circumstance removes your labor contract breaks the law namely, you not only can ask the company pays default salary, and OK still seek redress. 当然可以,象你这种情况公司解除你的劳动合同就是违法的,你不但可以要求公司支付拖欠工资,而且还可以要求赔偿。
- They learned that society was their enemy and so when they sought redress for their wrongs they went to the rebel underground, the Mafia. 他们明白了社会就是他们的敌人,因此,当他们受到委屈而要求伸冤时,他们就去求强盗的地下组织,即所谓黑帮。
- Again the Court found no due process violation, because the prisoner could have sought redress through a tort action. 最高法院再次认定不存在违反正当程序的行为,因为该犯人可以通过侵权诉讼寻求补偿。
- Going to court to uphold a patent costs a company a minimum of$1.5 m; that may oblige innocent firms to pay to settle and prevents infringed parties from seeking redress. 企业利用法律武器维护一个专利权最起码要花150万美元;那样只会鼓励无辜的公司花钱私了,并阻碍被侵权方寻求赔偿。
- You must seek redress in the law courts for the damage to your car 你的车子受到了损坏,你应当通过法律途径要求赔偿。
- Let him seek peace and ensue it! 让他去追求和平并为和平而奔波吧。
- States seek to become stronger through alliance. 各国力求通过结盟而更加强大。
- The team has more men than women so we must redress the balance. 这个队男的多女的少,所以我们得纠正平衡一下。
- Seek him out and pass on the news. 把他找出来并且把消息传达给他。
- A salesman's job is to seek out customers. 推销员的工作是寻求顾客。
- The bill seek to repeal the existing legislation. 该议案企图废除现存的有关立法。
- The applicant seek judicial review to quash the bind-over order. 申请人请求司法检查以便废除责令某人守法的命令。
- He did all that he possibly could to redress the wrongs. 他尽了一切努力革除弊端。
- Europa arose, and began to seek the dear maidens of her company. 欧罗巴起床来,去找那一群跟她一同游乐的姑娘。