- High molecular weight (HMW) glutenin subunits, as one of the seed storage proteins in wheat, its composition and amount have a profound influence on the baking quality of wheat. 高分子量麦谷蛋白是成熟小麦种子中的主要贮藏蛋白之一,其组成和数量可直接影响普通小麦的品质。
- seed storage proteins (SSP) 种子贮藏蛋白
- The research progresses of the wheat seed storage proteins 小麦种子贮藏蛋白研究进展
- Seed Storage Proteins Diversity among Lespedeza bicolor Populations 二色胡枝子种子储藏蛋白多样性研究
- Progress in molecular biological study of rice seed storage protein 水稻种子贮藏蛋白分子生物学研究进展
- Promoters of Seed Storage Protein Genes and Its Application 种子贮藏蛋白的基因启动子及其应用研究概述
- Analysis of transgenic wheat seed storage proteins and their progenies 转基因小麦种子贮藏蛋白及其后代分析
- Analysis of Seed Storage Proteins of Brassica campestris by Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis 白菜种子贮藏蛋白的聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳分析
- Variation in Seed Storage Proteins of Melilotoides Ruthenica in Inner Mongolian Dry Land 内蒙古干旱、半干旱地区野生扁蓿豆种子贮藏蛋白质的变异
- Identification of seed purity for sunflower hybrids and inbreds by ployacrylamide gel electrophoresis of seed storage proteins 利用种子蛋白聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳鉴定向日葵种子纯度的研究
- Cytological and Seed Storage Protein Analysis of Dwarf Lines with Wheat-Thinopyrum Intermedium Chromatin 导入矮秆基因的小偃麦材料的细胞学和储藏蛋白研究
- Seed storage proteins 种子贮藏蛋白
- Seed storage protein 种子贮藏蛋白
- The cotyledons of Sacred Lotus (Nelumbo nucifeva) accumulate abundant storage reserves, including storage proteins in protein bodies, starch and DNA in amyloplasts, during seed development. 摘要莲子叶细胞中储存了丰富的营养物质,主要为蛋白质、淀粉和淀粉质体DNA。
- Vegetative storage proteins in the new shoots of poplar were identified by means of light and electron microscopy. 摘要采用光学显微镜和电子显微镜技术,对杨树新梢中的营养贮藏蛋白质进行了细胞学鉴定。
- Globulins are found in plant seeds as storage proteins, particularly in the seeds of legumes (Fabaceae). 球蛋白在植物种子中作为储存蛋白,尤其是豆类植物种子(豆科)。
- Abstract The cotyledons of Sacred Lotus (Nelumbo nucifeva) accumulate abundant storage reserves, including storage proteins in protein bodies, starch and DNA in amyloplasts, during seed development. 摘要 莲子叶细胞中储存了丰富的营养物质, 主要为蛋白质、淀粉和淀粉质体DNA。
- Seed storage is necessary to provide an annual supply of viable seed for reforestation and for preservation of germplasm for gene conservation. 摘要为了每年提供造林新需的具有生活力的种子及长期保存种质资源,贮藏种子是必要的手段。
- Plants synthesize a wide vatiety of lipids,including membrane lipids, cuticular waxes and seed storage lipids (mostiy triacylglycerols). 植物合成多种多样的脂类化合物,包括膜脂,角质层蜡质,种子脂肪酸(大多数为甘油三酸脂)。
- However, theembryos isolated at 40, 62, 88 DAP re-quired ABA 10~(-4) mol/L for the synthe-sis of storage proteins during culture. 而在成熟中期以后,则要求较高浓度的ABA(10~(-4)mol/L)才能抑制胚的萌发。