- 战斗机fighter
- SEE可预见效益SEE forseeable benefit
- 什么时候说“See you”才得体?When is it appropriate to say,"See you"?
- Done和seen是do和see的过去分词。'Done' and 'seen' are the past participles of 'do' and 'see'.
- 最先进的战斗机ultimate fighter
- "keep"与"see"这两个动词的词形变化是不规则的the verb " keep " and " see " are irregular in their inflection
- 我可以说,“Long time no see”吗?Can I say, "Long time no see"?
- 那架明亮的战斗机受到惊吓后呈直线地从右边垂直飞起来。The bright fighter is frightened and flies upright in straight line from the right.
- 喷气战斗机护航队an escort of jet fighters
- 变量文档只能包括嵌入的HTML以及@see引用。Variable documentation can include only embedded HTML and @see references.
- 现在所有的战斗机都装备了机关炮。Now all the fighter planes are all armed with cannon.
- 那么为什么我们说I am going to see a friend?Then why do we say @I am going to see a friend@?
- 对三架战斗机实行停飞redlined three fighter aircraft.
- "keep"与"see" 这两个动词的词形变化是不规则的。The verbs "keep" and "see" are irregular in their inflections.
- "keep"与"see" 这两个动词的词形变化是不规则的The verb " keep " and " see " be irregular in their inflection
- 敌人战斗机在黎明时偷袭港囗。The enemy fighters surprised the harbor at dawn.
- “Done”和“seen”是“do”和“see”的过去分词。'Done' and 'seen' are the past participles of 'do' and 'see'.
- 战斗机向敌军俯冲。The fighter plane dived on the enemy troops
- 那就应该说成I'm going to see the friend,是吗?It should be @I'm going to see the friend@, right?
- 战斗机损耗fighter attrition