- The music is seductive, sexy and just right to bump and grind to. 这段音乐充满了诱惑、性感,只适合扭动地跳舞。
- The sexy starlet is a real eye-popper in her black bikini. 身着黑色比基尼的性感女星实在令人大饱眼福。
- She's quite shameless about wearing sexy clothes at work. 她穿着性感的衣服上班而不觉羞耻。
- The sexy starlet was a real eye-popper in her black bikini. 身著黑色比基尼的性感女星实在令人大饱眼福。
- The walls of his dormitory room were covered with sexy pinups. 他宿舍的墙上贴满性感的裸女画报。
- She wore a sexy see-through blouse to the cocktail party. 她穿一件性感透明的上衣去参加鸡尾酒会。
- Somehow placed in a bind,they are supposed to be sexy and virginal,experienced and naive,seductive and pure . 不知何故,对她们的要求总是有两面性,既要求她们性感多情,又要求她们冰玉洁,既要求她们老到练达,又要求她们、少不更事,既要求她们风骚冶艳,又要求她们质朴无华。
- Someone placed in a double bind, they are supposed to be sexy and virginal, experienced and na?ve, seductive and pure. 即要求他们老道练达,又要求他们少不更事;即要求他们风骚冶艳,又要求他们质朴无华。
- I like styles that are trendy but not too sexy. 我喜欢具流行性但又不会太过性感的衣服款式。
- Robotics seems to be a sexy subject at the moment. 机器人学眼下似乎是时髦的学科。
- Sports bras had suddenly got sexy. 运动胸衣刹那间变得性感起来。
- I long to be seductive and tempting. What's Helen got that I haven't got? 我真希望自己富有迷人的魅力。为什么海伦就比我强呢?
- Perhaps I like your sexy eyes wide belt? 也许我喜欢你那性感的大眼带吗?
- None of this is sexy or glamorous. 这里没有迷惑人的成分。
- I like the styles that are trendy but not too sexy. 我喜欢具流行性但不会太过性感的衣服款式。
- Find out how to exaggerate or simplify the female form to create raunchy action heroines, seductive supergirls, sexy cyberpunks, and feisty Manga babes. 学习如何夸大和扭曲人物以达到喜剧效果,表现可笑的表情和身体语言,增加背景,文字和球状框。
- You look very sexy in those tight trousers. 你穿上那条紧身裤子看上去十分性感。
- Mandy Moore has declared not to wear sexy clothes. 曼迪?摩尔已经宣称不穿性感的衣服,
- A: Your wedding dress makes you look sexy. 你的结婚礼服让你看起来真性感。
- He's a sexy handsome man, are you digging him? 他是个迷人,英俊的男孩,你是不是喜欢上他了啊?