- sediment erosion and siltation 泥沙冲淤
- On the basis of numerical simulations and by use of semi-empirical formulae, calculations of seabed erosion and siltation in and outside the fishing port are made. 在此基础上,利用半经验公式,进行了渔港内外底床冲淤计算。
- The generation process of runoff and sediment erosion and the hydrodynamic characteristics of flow on forage grass slope with different coverage are quantitatively studied in laboratory. 通过室内模拟降雨试验,研究了不同盖度草地与裸地坡面的产流产沙过程与坡面流水动力学特性。
- In this paper,erosion and siltation performance of low sheet-pile groins with different water permeability under tidal bore is studied by means of movable-bed model, and mechanism of flat-maintenance and dyke-protection is discussed. 本文在水槽中用动床模型试验手段研究了涌潮条件下不同透水率的排桩式护塘低丁坝群的水力学冲淤特性 ,并探讨了低丁坝的护滩保塘机理。
- Yanhe River is a river with hyper-concentration load.Stream channel erosion and siltation happens quite often during the flood season, which makes the shape of flood hydrograph protean. 由于延河汛期多发生高含沙水流,河道冲淤变形严重,洪水特性变化多端,成为预报的难点。
- In this paper, the mechanism of erosion caused by synergism of cavitation erosion and silt erosion was preliminary explained, and introduced a new method to study on the problem of erosion. 本文初步揭示了空蚀和泥沙磨损联合作用对材料产生破坏的作用机理,提出了一种研究材料在颗粒冲击磨损作用下破坏情况的新方法。
- seabed erosion and siltation prediction 海床冲淤预测
- Erosion and siltation study for low sheet-pile groins under tidal bore 涌潮条件下排桩式低丁坝水力学冲淤试验研究
- Mud and silt have been continuously deposited in the lake. 泥沙不停地淤积在这湖里。
- Were also formed by marine erosion and weathering. 也是海蚀风化之后形成的石景。
- Accumulations of trash and silt should be near the primary element. 泥砂和废料的淤积要逐渐靠拢基本元件。
- Gulf reclamation project has an impact on the trends and siltation. 海湾内的围垦工程对潮流及冲淤都将产生影响。
- sediment erosion and deposition 泥沙冲淤
- Most of the sand and silt was carried down from the river. 大部分泥沙都是由河流沉积下来的。
- As soon as possible, flush clean water down the casing to remove sediment and silt. 请尽快使用清洁的水冲洗水泵外罩以清除沉积物和淤泥。
- Meiobenthos biomass had significant correlation with the sand and silt contents of sediment and the content of Chl-a. 小型底栖生物的生物量与沉积物砂含量(%25)、粉砂含量(%25)和叶绿素a含量呈显著相关.
- seabed erosion and siltation 海床冲淤
- The article introduces the distributing area,thickness change,the old river erosion and sediment surroundings of conglomerate layer K21. 就大同矿区K21砾岩层的分布范围、厚度变化、古河流冲刷现象、砾径变化、沉积相等进行了介绍。
- erosion and siltation 冲淤
- Factors affecting the processes of soil erosion and sediment yield have more asymmetry and variability and enhance the complexity of modeling sediment yield in different scales. 影响侵蚀产沙过程的因素在时空上具有很大的不均匀性和变异性,增加了不同尺度间侵蚀产沙模拟的复杂性。