- Trend Micro Home Network Security Services. 能双重捍卫家庭网络安全。
- Government employees may be screened by the security services. 政府雇员可能要接受安全部门的审查。
- The security services are rumoured to run all manner of criminal activities; the army is a cesspit of graft. 谣传称安全部门是进行各种各样犯罪活动的机构;军队是滋生以权谋私的温床。
- Are there clear written policies and procedures governing the procurement of contract security services? 公司有否就聘用保安服务撰备书面政策及程序?
- Bare space: including exhibiting ground, security services, and commonality responsibility insurance, no other facilities. 光地配置:展出场地、保安服务、公共标准责任保险、无任何设施。
- The infrastructure which can provide security services is called Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). 能提供这种服务的基础设施就是公开密钥安全基础设施(PKI)。
- Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) is a base to provide Internet security services using public key certificate. 公钥基础设施PKI利用数字证书为网络安全交易提供基本保障。
- Assort with institutions which offer security service. 与提供保安服务的机构协调;
- Cleaning service, 24-hour security service and invitation cards. 清洁服务、24小时保安服务及邀请咭。
- THE security services in Moscow are on high alert and plain-clothed American security men mingle with Moscow police. 莫斯科安全部门保持高度警惕,身着便衣的美国安全人员同莫斯科警方混杂在一起。
- If, as many in Pakistan believe, the security services were themselves complicit, that is perhaps even scarier. 很多巴基斯坦人认为,如果安全部门也是同谋,那就更可怕了。
- In Grozny's Kadyrov Square a young man complains that there is no work outside the government and security services. 在格罗兹尼的卡德罗夫广场,一名年轻人抱怨说在政府和安全机构之外就没有工作了。
- Even as political debate blossomed, Iran's security services cracked down on religious and ethnic minorities. 甚至在政治辩论竞争激烈的进行之下,伊朗的安全机构也会对国家的宗教团体与少数民族实行严厉打击。
- Terrorists were planning a chemical attack in London similar to the outrage on the Tokyo underground, according to police and the security services. 警方和安全机构人员说,恐怖分子计划在伦敦制造一起类似于日本东京地铁沙林毒气事件的化学袭击。
- Components of the Architecture are unified by a common API that sits between the security services or applications and the cryptographic providers. Architecture的各个组件通过设在安全服务或应用程序与加密提供程序之间的公用API进行组件一体化。
- The previously mentioned security services can be combined to give entity authentication, data integrity, and data confidentiality. 前面提到的安全服务组合使用,可以实现实体身份验证、数据完整性和数据保密性。
- That is why there are a number of other Security Service operations underway. 这就是为什么我们还采取了一些其他安全措施的原因。
- Personal and social services rendered by others to meet the needs of individuals; security services for the protection of property and individuals. 由他人提供的为满足个人需要的私人和社会服务;为保护财产和人身安全的服务。
- The hoax was uncovered last week by the Federal Security Service (FSB). 这场闹剧是于上周被俄罗斯联邦安全部门(FSB)识破的。
- The defaults mainly consist of fees for landing, parking and security service. 这些费用主要包括起降费、停场费及服务保障费。