- Introduces the code access security mechanism. 介绍代码访问安全机制。
- Serialization has no built-in security mechanism. 序列化没有内置的安全机制。
- Command protection level not supported by security mechanism. 安全机制不支持命令保护等级化。
- In Chapter 8, we describe the security mechanism of WBEM. 在第八章中,则将介绍WBEM的安全机制;
- Refus does not demolish, demolish compulsively by public security mechanism. 拒不拆除的,由公安机关强制拆除。
- What security mechanisms are supported? 哪些安全机制受到支持?
- Both Unix and Windows NT have good security mechanisms. Unix和Windows NT都有很好的安全机制。
- Therefore, the security mechanism to run these commands is based on the operating system permissions of the files. 因此,运行这些命令的安全机制以文件的操作系统权限为基础。
- Make sure you explicitly acquire credentials for the desired security mechanism. 请确保明确地获得了用于所希望的安全机制的凭证。
- For example, unmanaged code might call resources in unmanaged code directly, bypassing CLR security mechanism. 例如,非托管代码可能避开CLR安全机制,直接调用非托管代码中的资源。
- As a result, these add-on features end up being more of a reliability mechanism than a security mechanism. 结果,与其说这些添加的功能部件是安全性机制,不如说它们是可靠性机制。
- The GSS-API default behavior will be to initiate the context for Kerberos security mechanism. GSS-API的默认行为是为Kerberos安全机制启动上下文。
- Function implementation, make sure that you explicitly acquire credentials for the desired security mechanism. 函数的实现中,请确保明确地获得了用于所希望的安全机制的凭证。
- Discover other has forge, the RMB of falsification, ought to report to public security mechanism instantly. 发现他人有伪造、变造的人民币,应当立即向公安机关报告。
- A type of work item that records a constraint on the system such as performance, load, stress, security mechanism, or platform. 一种工作项类型,它记录对系统的约束,如性能、负载、压力、安全机制或平台。
- NET Framework supports a code-access security mechanism that assumes that the runtime can host both fully trusted and partially trusted code. NET Framework支持代码访问安全机制,此机制假设:运行时可承载完全可信和部分可信的代码。
- Determines the security mechanism being used: either reliable messaging capability or transaction context flow settings. 确定要使用的安全机制:可靠消息传递功能或事务上下文流设置。
- Corresponding security mechanism must be offered in peer-to-peer (P2P) content distribution network (CDN), while keeping highly efficient Video-on-Demand (VOD) service. 在基于点对点的内容分发中,在保障高效的视频点播服务的同时,必须提供相应的安全机制。
- The ambassador also said Iran had proposed setting up a "trilateral security mechanism" among Iraq,Iran and the United States. 大使还称伊朗提出建立一个伊拉克,伊朗,美国的“三方安全机制”。
- Discovery involves public safety and the doubtful information of other illegal criminality, report in time to public security mechanism. 发现涉及公共安全和其他违法犯罪行为的可疑信息,及时向公安机关报告。