- QFII should mandate its custodian to open a RMB settlement account on its behalf with securities registration and settlement institution. 合格投资者应当委托托管人在证券登记结算机构代为开立人民币结算资金账户,用于与证券登记结算机构进行资金结算。
- Article 17. QFII should mandate its custodian to apply for a securities account on its behalf with securities registration and settlement institution. 第十七条 合格投资者应当委托托管人,在证券登记结算机构代其申请开立一个证券账户。
- The securities registration and clearing institution shall record down the aforesaid matters. 证券登记结算机构应当对上述事项加以记录。
- Article 17 QFII should mandate its custodian to apply for a securities account on its behalf with securities registration and settlement institution. 第十七条 合格投资者应当委托托管人,在证券登记结算机构代其申请开立一个证券账户。
- A securities registration and settlement agency must not use the securities of a client for hypothecation or lending to others. 证券登记结算机构不得将客户的证券用于质押或者出借给他人。
- The securities registration and clearing institution shall carry out the initial registration of the roster of securities issuers based thereon. 证券登记结算机构据此办理证券持有人名册的初始登记。
- The securities registration and clearing i titutio shall, in accordance with the related measures, formulate the corre onding provisio . 证券登记结算机构应根据本管理办法制定相应规定。
- It seemed utterly incredible: the community had understood fully that securing registration for the mark gave them exclusive rights in the use of the Cumbe name. 令人完全难以置信的是:这一集体已充分了解到注册该商标会给予他们使用Cumbe这一名称的独占权。
- Before filing for dissolution, securities registration and settlement organizations shall attain prior approval from the securities regulatory body under the State Council. 第一百五十六条证券登记结算机构申请解散,应当经国务院证券监督管理机构批准。
- Securities registration and settlement organizations shall supply the list of securities owners and other relevant information to the securities issuers. 第一百五十一条证券登记结算机构应当向证券发行人提供证券持有人名册及其有关资料。
- The establishment of a securities registration and clearing institution shall be subject to approval by the securities regulatory authority under the State Council. 设立证券登记结算机构必须经国务院证券监督管理机构批准。
- After paying compensation with money from the risk fund, a securities registration and clearing institution shall have recourse to the responsible person. 证券登记结算机构以风险基金赔偿后,应当向有关责任人追偿。
- Stock exchanges, securities companies, and securities registration and settlement institutions shall keep their client accounts confidential in accordance with the law. 第三十八条证券交易所、证券公司、证券登记结算机构必须依法为客户所开立的帐户保密。
- Article 154A securities registration and settlement agency should establish a settlement venture capital and deposit it in a rubricated account in a designated bank. 第一百五十四条证券登记结算机构应当设立结算风险基金,并存入指定银行的专门账户。
- The securities registration and settlement institutions established by the securities exchanges shall be subject to the supervision and administration of the CSRC. 证券交易所设立的证券登记结算机构,应当接受证监会的监督管理。
- CSRC,PBOC and SAFE may require QFII,custodians,securities companies,stock exchanges,and securities registration and settlement institutions to provide information on QFII's domestic investment activities,and may conduct on-site inspections if necessary. 中国证监会、中国人民银行和国家外汇局可以要求合格投资者、托管人、证券公司、证券交易所、证券登记结算机构提供合格投资者境内投资活动提供有关资料;必要时,可以进行现场检查。
- Before selling their listed securities, owners of the securities shall leave all their securities to be transacted with a securities registration and settlement organization which will hold them in trust. 第一百五十条证券持有人所持有的证券上市交易前,应当全部托管在证券登记结算机构。
- I'll undertake for your security. 我将保证你的安全。
- According to law, the state auditing organ shall supervise by auditing the accounts of stock exchanges, securities companies, securities registration and settlement organizations, and securities supervision and administration organizations. 第九条国家审计机关对证券交易所、证券公司、证券登记结算机构、证券监督管理机构,依法进行审计监督。
- Securities registration and settlement organizations are non-profit legal entities that provide centralized services including registration and safekeeping of securities, and settlement of stock transactions. 第一百四十六条证券登记结算机构为证券交易提供集中的登记、托管与结算服务,是不以营利为目的的法人。