- No securities firm may lend its own business account to another for use. 证券公司不得将其自营帐户借给他人使用。
- We are a well-established securities firm, since 1972, operating office in Central. 本公司成立于一九七二年,办公室设于中环。
- WILLIAM McDONOUGH: The head of a securities firm or a bank is not paid to be a patriot. 一个证券公司或是一家银行的头儿要做爱国者是没有酬劳的。
- To inspect computer information management system of a securities firm and copy relevant data materials. (四)检查证券公司的计算机信息管理系统,复制有关数据资料。
- The securities business license should be written with business scope of such securities firm or its domestic branch. 经营证券业务许可证应当载明证券公司或者境内分支机构的证券业务范围。
- The cuts also show how Mr.Lewis won't necessarily act provincially as he absorbs a prominent New York securities firm. 同时也显示出在整合一家知名纽约证券公司时,刘易斯不一定会表现出宗派主义。
- Without securities business license, the securities firm and its domestic branch shall not run securities business. 未取得经营证券业务许可证,证券公司及其境内分支机构不得经营证券业务。
- Remove the restriction that the domestic partner in a JV securities firm has to be an existing securities firm. 取消证券合资企业的国内合伙人必须是已经成立的证券企业的限制。
- Some of the world's largest banks and securities firm by market capitalization are now Chinese. 目前,全球市值最大的一部分银行和证券公司已经来自中国。
- The securities firm shall not breach the trustee obligation and misappropriate the securities or fund in the customer guarantee accounts. 证券公司不得违背受托义务侵占客户担保账户内的证券或者资金。
- Securities firms shall join the Securities Industry Association. 证券公司应当加入证券业协会。
- A securities firm must establish an internal control system to check capital adequacy according to securities regulations. 证券商应配合主管机关规定,建立资本适足性检核之内部控管机制。
- Securities brokers should work within authorized scope of the securities firm and show securities broker certificates to customer. 证券经纪人应当在证券公司的授权范围内从事业务,并应当向客户出示证券经纪人证书。
- A securities firm must allocate direct and indirect costs to each business unit while measuring contributions of each business unit. 证券商应将直接与间接成本分摊给各业务单位,以做为衡量各业务单位贡献程度之指标。
- When implementing response measures referred to above, a securities firm shall take care to avoid prejudicing the rights and interests of customers. 证券商执行前开因应措施时应注意避免损及客户之权益。
- A securities firm shall establish a control system to ensure the completeness, accuracy, and timeliness of the transaction record. 证券商应建立控管系统以确保交易纪录之完整性、正确性与及时性。
- A securities firm shall fully disclose the fee schedule and itemized details thereof for all products and services it provides. 八)证券商应将提供各项商品与服务之收费标准与明细充分揭露。
- The firm will go under unless business improves. 生意若无起色,公司非垮不可。
- Our firm is likely to reap a big profit this year. 今年我们公司很可能获得巨额利润。
- The spouse of a director, supervisor, or of a representative of a juristic-person director or supervisor, of the securities firm. 三、本证券商之董事、监察人及法人董事、监察人之代表人等之配偶。