- Assignment of shares by a shareholder must be carried out at a lawfully established securities exchange. 第一百四十四条:股东转让其股份,必须在依法设立的证券交易场所进行。
- The MTN Group is listed on the JSE Securities Exchange in South Africa under the share code: "MTN". MTN 集团在南非 JSE 证券交易市场上市,股票代码是“MTN”。
- Establishment and disbandment of a securities exchange shall be subject to the decision of the State Council. 证券交易所的设立和解散,由国务院决定。
- In 2002 the United States to participate in UBS Warburg's securities exchange research and training. 2002年参加美国UBS华宝公司证券研究交流和培训。
- The JSE Securities Exchange put in a strong showing on Tuesday, bolstered by a softer rand and firmer European markets. JSE证券交易所星期二强烈信息显示,世界市场被更柔和的兰特和更坚定欧洲市场支持。
- Each stock exchange shall be limited to operating one centralized securities exchange market. 每一证券交易所,以开设一个有价证券集中交易市场为限。
- Shanghang Securities Exchange and Shenzhen Securities Exchange are important regulators in Chinese securities market. 上海和深圳证券交易所占据了中国证券市场的核心地位,并且承担了相当的监管职能。
- Under a compromise, countries could either exchange tax information or deduct a withholding tax on the offshore accounts of EU members and remit it in bulk to the investors' home tax authorities. 在妥协之下,国与国之间既可以交换税收情报,也允许扣除欧盟成员国离岸账户的预扣税款,同时几乎免除了投资者注册地税务当局的税赋。
- Securities borrowed through the securities lending system of a securities exchange. 二、自证券交易所借券系统借入之有价证券。
- Any other unit or individual must not use the name of securities exchange or a similar name. 其他任何单位或者个人不得使用证券交易所或者近似的名称。
- Assignment of bearer bonds takes effect upon delivery thereof by the bondholder to the assignee at a lawfully established securities exchange. 无记名债券,由债券持有人在依法设立的证券交易场所将该债券交付给受让人后即发生转让的效力。
- The abbreviations Inc and Corp refer to such companies. To sell shares to the public they must apply to the Securities Exchange Commission. Inc和Corp的就是指这类公司。要向公众出售股份,他们必须先申请加入证券交易委员会。
- Company bonds may be assigned. Assignment of company bonds shall be carried out at a lawfully established securities exchange. 第一百七十条:公司债券可以转让。转让公司债券应当在依法设立的证券交易场所进行。
- Leyshon Resources, listed on Aim and the Australian Securities Exchange, is developing a gold mine in north-eastern Heilongjiang province. 在伦敦另类投资市场和澳大利亚证券交易所上市的瑞祥资源公司,正在东北黑龙江省开发一个金矿。
- Taking into account of those facts, this paper attempts to re-examine the necessity of share swapping in securities exchange law in China today. 本文通过对美、日及其他国家相关制度的研究,揭示了该制度对我国的必需及相关的法律问题。
- Securities Exchange is in the market for the same stock at the same time the buying and selling of business transaction methods. 是证券公司在交易所市场同时办理同一种股票的买入和卖出业务的交易方法。
- Article146 Assignment of bearer share certificates takes effect upon delivery thereof by the shareholder to the assignee at a lawfully established securities exchange. 第一百四十六条:无记名股票的转让,由股东在依法设立的证券交易场所将该股票交付给受让人后即发生转让的效力。
- Assignment of bearer share certificates takes effect upon delivery thereof by the shareholder to the assignee at a lawfully established securities exchange. 第一百四十六条:无记名股票的转让,由股东在依法设立的证券交易场所将该股票交付给受让人后即发生转让的效力。
- Article 146 Assignment of bearer share certificates takes effect upon delivery thereof by the shareholder to the assignee at a lawfully established securities exchange. 第一百四十六条:无记名股票的转让,由股东在依法设立的证券交易场所将该股票交付给受让人后即发生转让的效力。
- To perform directly or indirectly any other manipulative acts to influence the trading prices of securities traded on the centralized securities exchange market. 七、直接或间接从事其他影响集中交易市场有价证券交易价格之操纵行为。