- secure AK protocol 安全AK协议
- We'll need to secure a bank loan. 我们需获银行贷款。
- A climber needs secure footholds. 攀登的人脚踩的地方要很牢固。
- The organizer was familiar with the protocol of royal visits. 组织者熟悉国王出访的礼仪。
- The child felt secure near its parents. 这个孩子在父母跟前感到很安全。
- Make the windows secure before leaving the house. 出门之前把窗户关严。
- The delegates have to be seated according to protocol. 代表们须按礼仪要求就座。
- The little boy felt secure near his parents. 那小男孩在父母身边感到安心。
- Secure all the doors and windows before leaving. 要把所有门窗关好再出门。
- Select the protocol tab and un-check all protocol except modem. 选择Protocolstab, 不要选取所有的协议,除Modem之外。
- Now my house is secure against burglary. 现在我的房子无被盗窃之危险。
- He managed to secure a loan to purchase a house. 他设法弄到一笔贷款买了一栋房子。
- His place in history is now secure. 他在历史上的地位现在已经稳固了。
- There is no magic wand to secure a just peace. 要获得正义的和平并非易事。
- When you're insured, you're secure against loss. 只要买了保险就不会遭受损失。
- And I hope that everyone in ak is friendly. 虽然我不清楚是什么让小狼那么悲伤,但还是希望小狼能开心些。
- KMMES 1, KMMES2 were clony-like, AK? KMMES1和KMMES2细胞株具有典型的胚胎干细胞形态,AKP染色强阳性和全能性;
- Overexpression of AK fbr gene in C. AKfbr基因在C.
- It was a gross breach of protocol. 这是粗暴违反外交礼节的行为。
- AK series mechanical strain pressure sensor. AK系列应变式压力变送器;