- secure application platform 应用安全平台
- Applied RUP is proposed to develop J2EE application platform. 提出了一种开发J2EE应用平台的实用RUP方法。
- Secure T-SQL is only one part of a secure application. 安全的T-SQL才能构成安全的应用程序。
- Take advantage of a powerful, enterprise-class application platform. 利用功能强大的企业级应用平台。
- There are benefits to crafting secure applications. 打造安全的应用程序有很多好处。
- Macromedia Flex is a Rich Internet Application platform positioned exactly to address this set of requirements. Macromedia Flex是一个Rich Internet Application平台,它完全定位于解决这些需求问题。
- Michael is now focusing on improving the Web application platform in the next-generation Web server, IIS 7.0. 现在;Michael主要致力于改进下一代Web服务器IIS 7.;0中的Web应用程序平台。
- Such products also provide secure application gateways that add value,such as user authentication. 这些产品也提供了有增值作用(如用户验证)的安全应用入口。
- The combination of solid technology components and an active community has enabled LAMP to emerge as a de facto Web application platform. 技术强大的组件再加上活跃的社区,使LAMP成为事实上的Web应用程序平台。
- Such products also provide secure application gateways that add value, such as user authentication. 这些产品也提供了有增值作用(如用户验证)的安全应用入口。
- Langyan network and then claimed that the "super station car" is SAAS (software as a service) of integrated application platform. 而狼烟网络则声称“超级站车”是SAAS(软件即服务)的集成应用平台。
- Now we turn our attention to the actions that application developers and designers must take to build a secure application. 现在我们将注意力转移到应用程序开发人员和设计人员要构建安全的应用程序必须采取的操作上。
- This solution provides a transplantable application platform for data transmission and acquisition in many fields, such as modem industrial control and intelligent building. 该解决方案为现代工业控制、智能建筑等领域的数据传输和采集提供了一个可移植的应用平台。
- The speed of modular squaring is the key to the secure application in most public key cryptosystems and DSP(digital signal processing). 模平方运算是模幂运算中的基本运算,其运算速度关系到大多数公钥密码和数字信号处理的应用效率。
- It abstracts the software application platform from the underlying hardware infrastructure, freeing developers and users from becoming locked in to specific hardware. 它从底层硬件设施中抽象了软件应用平台,将开发人员和用户从特定的硬件中解放出来。
- VOIP is the abbreviation of Voice communication Over IP net. It refers to not merely the IP Phone, but also a comprehensive application platform that provides various multimedia operations including video exchange. VOIP即基于IP网络的语音通信,它不仅是狭义上的IP电话,更是一个能提供包括视频交互在内各种多媒体业务的综合性应用平台。
- What is the incentive for a software manufacturer to develop secure applications for the consumer? 软件生产商为消费者开发安全应用程序的动机是什么?
- Based on internal network platform, the application platform is built and the FTP server, website information publish server, mail server, DNS server, and database server are established. 以内部网为网络平台,建设了公司的应用平台,构建了文件传输服务器、网站信息发布服务器、邮件服务器、域名解析服务器、数据库服务器等。
- CAJ-digital watermark in information security applications. 数字水印在信息安全中的应用.
- CAJ digital watermark in information security applications. CAJ数字水印在信息安全中的应用.