- She revels in the secrecy of her trade. 她喜欢对她的手艺秘而不宣。
- The liberal candidate romped through with thousands of votes to spare. 自由党候选人轻易获胜,超出选票数以千计。
- We have different sources of votes. 我们有不同票源。
- Saudi women to get first taste of votes? 沙特妇女首次可以参加选举?
- Bush had the largest number of votes. 布什得票最多。
- The total number of votes was over one million. 投票的总数超过一百万。
- You lost by a very small number of votes. 输的票数非常少。
- secrecy of votes 投票保密
- His splendid speech swayed thousands of votes. 他美妙的演说影响了成千上万的选票。
- The number of votes cast or recorded. 投票数投票或被记录选票的数量
- A solicitation of votes or orders. 拉选票,拉定单
- To receive(a given number of votes). 得到(一定数目的)选票
- The security of it depended on the secrecy of this checksum. 的安全,它取决于保密这一校验。
- The liberal candidate romp in with thousands of votes to spare. 自由党候选人轻易获胜,超出所需选票数以千计。
- One third of votes went to the independent candidate. 三分之一的选票被这位无党派候选人得了。
- The casting and registering of votes in an election. 投票在选举中投票或登记选票
- The parly was returned with a favourable number of votes. 该党获得数目可观的选票。
- The Liberal candidate romped in with thousands of votes to spare. 自由党候选人轻易获胜;超出所需选票数以千计.
- They re-elected him governor by a large number of votes. 他们用大量的选票重新推选他出任地方长官。
- The second level password protect function improves the secrecy of the parameter and technics. It can also be changed. 二级密码保护功能,提高运行参数及工艺的保密性,并可进行密码的修改。