- secondary wastewater treatment 污水二级处理
- Do you operate a wastewater treatment plant? 是否具有废水处理工厂?
- Membrane bioreactor is one of the new wastewater treatment systems. 摘要膜生物反应器是一种新型水处理系统。
- PLC automatic control system of pH value in wastewater treatment. 废水处理中pH值的PLC自动控制系统。
- Design of Wastewater Treatment and Drainage System for Quanchai Co. 污水处理及强排工程的设计实例。
- Development and Prospect on Wastewater Treatment in U. S. A. 美国废水治理发展与展望。
- The wastewater treatment system should be properly maintained. 污水处理设施必须妥善维修。
- Wastewater treatment is an important issue in papermaking industry. 摘要制浆造纸废水处理一直是造纸行业的一个重要问题。
- Manage the daily operation of wastewater treatment plant. 管理污水处理工厂的日常运行情况。
- Biotreatment techniques are widely used in wastewater treatment. 生物法是目前污水处理中广泛采用的方法。
- Study: Why Wastewater Treatment Plants Like a Tramp? 探究:污水处理厂因何步履沉重?
- When the secondary effluent of municipal wastewater treatment plant was treated by this process,DOC of the effluent could decrease to less than 3mg/L and the throughput of the GAC filter could be up to 3500BV. 城市污水处理厂的二级出水经该工艺处理后 ;出水中的 DOC可降至 3mg/L以下 ;且活性炭柱的产水床体积可达 350 0 BV.
- As the most popular wastewater treatment technology in the world, wastewater stabilization pond system (WSPS) will cause secondary environmental pollution if the seepage system isn't treated suitable. 摘要稳定塘是目前应用比较广泛的污水处理技术,如果塘系统防渗处理不当,会导致地下水的污染。
- Pilot-scale test was made on treatment of secondary effluent from a wastewater treatment plant by using combined velocity-changeable bio-filter (CVF) for determination of optimum operating conditions. 为确定复合变速生物滤池的最佳运行工况,进行了处理污水厂二级出水的中试,滤池采用酶促填料和组合填料,考察了四种流量水平下对有机物的去除效果。
- Constructed wetland and its application for industrial wastewater treatment. 人工湿地及其在工业废水处理中的应用。
- Performance of a modified municipal wastewater treatment plant in cold region. 寒冷地区城市污水处理厂改进工艺的运行效能。
- The size, process and operation of Luofang Wastewater Treatment Plant. 介绍了罗芳污水厂的处理规模、工艺流程及运行情况。
- An ANN based dynamic simulation for paper making wastewater treatment. 基于人工神经网络的造纸废水处理动态仿真
- Peat has been widely used in wastewater treatment as a potential medium. 泥炭作为一种有潜力的废水处理介质已在国外得到广泛应用。
- The main odors in the municipal wastewater treatment are investigated. 介绍了城市污水处理厂的主要恶臭气体。