- secondary sulphide ore 次生硫化矿
- By means of distillation-fractional condensation high purity antimony trichloride was made from antimony sulphide ore. 用蒸馏-多级冷凝法从锑矿石制取高纯度三氯化锑。
- As a especially effective collector for processing copper sulphide ore, methyl sulphonamide features good selectiveness and strong collection. 甲基硫氨酯作为硫化铜矿选矿的特别有效的捕收剂,具有选择性好、捕收力强的特性。
- Flowsheet study of mineral processing technology for Deqin Yangla complicated copper sulphide ore is conducted in this paper. 对德钦羊拉嵌布复杂的硫化铜矿石进行选矿工艺流程试验。
- The mian reason of metal losing is high oxidation ratio, part -fine dissemination copper sulphide ore and no fine grinded ore. 造成金属损失的主要原因是矿石氧化率偏高,部分硫化矿物嵌布极细,磨矿不够细。
- Intricate Cu, Pb and Zn sulphide ore is difficult to be separated by flotation, because Cu, Pb and Zn minerals is very close and the side of these minerals in ting. 某铜铅锌硫化矿,铜铅锌共生关系密切,且铅锌矿物嵌布粒度细小,铅锌矿物分离难度大。
- The Research of Bioleaching Low Grade Secondary Copper Sulphide Ore 低品位次生硫化铜矿的细菌浸出研究
- Blast furnace smelting of nickel sulphide ore 硫化镍矿鼓风炉熔炼
- multi-metal sulphide ore with cassiterite 锡石多金属硫化矿
- complex copper-lead-zinc polymetallic sulphide ore 复杂铜铅锌矿选
- complex polymetallic sulphide ore 复杂多金属硫化矿
- complicated sulphide ore bearing copper and zinc 复杂铜锌硫化矿石
- Cu-Pb-Zn mutil-metal sulphide ore 铜铅锌多金属硫化矿
- Flotation Technology Study of Talc--Carbonation Nickel Sulphide Ore 滑石--碳酸盐化硫化镍矿石浮选工艺研究
- The ore is smelted in this large factory. 这个大型工厂里熔炼矿石。
- Her age is of secondary interest. 她的年龄不太重要。
- Effects of Recycled Water on Flotation of a Complex Sulphide Ore 循环用水对复杂硫化矿浮选的影响
- First, ore is mixed with coke and limestone. 先把铁矿石和焦碳、石灰石混合在一起。
- Keywords sulphide ore;pre oxidation;glassing reagent;XRF; 硫化物矿;预氧化;玻璃化试剂;XRF;
- In secondary school, children get more advanced knowledge. 在中学,孩子获得更深一些的知识。