- secondary sex differences 副性征差别
- The breast is a secondary sex organ. 乳腺是属于第二性征器官。
- Sex differences should be ignored in education. 在教育上,性别差异应该要被忽视。
- As a boy goes through adolescence, his secondary sex characteristics develop. 作为一个青春期男孩,这是他的第二性征在发展。
- secondary sex difference 副性征差别
- Sex differences in total scores were found only in the Australian sample. 在中澳两个样本中,女孩的社会性发展量表得分均高于男孩。
- Any of several steroid hormones produced chiefly by the ovaries and responsible for promoting estrus and the development and maintenance of female secondary sex characteristics. 雌激素一种主要由卵巢分泌的类固醇激素,用来刺激性交,形成和保持女性的第二性特征
- The existence of two or more forms of individuals within the same species (independent of sex differences). 在一个种类中两个或更多形态个体的存在(独立于性别的不同)。
- The constraints in beauty, sex, love which fairy tales impose on women will potentially refrain them from fully developing and thus make them become secondary sex. 它在美貌、性、爱情方面对女性的限定将束缚女性的发展,使女性成为真正的第二性。
- Both Sokolow and Cornell indices showed highly significant sex differences for all age groups ( P <0.001). 男性Sokolow指数和Cornell指数在各年龄组均显著大于女性 (P <0 .;0 0 1)。
- Coates, J., 1993, Women, Men and Language: A Sociolinguistic Account of Sex Differences[M], London: Longman. 戴庆夏,1993,社会语言学教程[M],北京:中央民族大学出版社。
- Interaction tests indicated sex differences in the relations of seeral biomarkers to measures of arterial stiffness. 交互试验表明这几个衡量动脉硬化的生化标志存在性别差异。
- The right 4th costal cartilages of 110 Japanese cadavers(55 males and 55 females)were radiographically examined to elucidate the sex differences in the pattern of calcification. 为探讨第4肋骨钙化的性差状况,对110例(男女各55例)日本人第4肋骨进行了放射影象学检查。
- It reveals the feebleness aspect of female as secondary sex by the unique angle of view to the people, as well as the brutal scene that the might and the violence did play a role in female. 它以独特的视角向人们揭示了女性作为社会中的第二性的弱势局面,以及强权与暴力作用于女性时的残酷场景。
- Serum concentration of adiponectin in CHD patients was significantly lower than that in the control group, and there were sex differences (P<0.05). 冠心病病人血清脂联素的浓度显著低于对照组;且男女存在性别差异(P<0.;05)。
- This would explain why women can suffer long-term pain more, and why there can be sex differences in response to opium-derived painkilling drugs. 这些应该能解释女性更能承受常时间疼痛的原因以及为什么会有对鸦片类镇痛药物反应的性别差异。
- One having the reproductive organs and many of the secondary sex characteristics of both sexes. 两性体具有生殖器官和第二性征的许多特点的个体
- On Sex Differences, female perform better than male in ordinary performance and summative evaluation.This does not fit the literature. 性别差异方面,由研究结果可知,女生在整学年度的平时表现与总结性评量表现都比男生来得好,这与文献有所违背。
- This divergence, and indeed all the anatomical sex differences in the brain, presumably arose as a result of selective pressures during evolution. 这个性别间的差异,以及脑子所有的解剖性差,大概是在演化过程中由天择压力塑造的。
- This would explain why women can suffer longterm pain more, and why there can be sex differences in response to opiumderived painkilling drugs. 女性被诊断为抑郁症的数量是男性的二倍,这可能与神经传递介质血清素的相对水平有关。