- The breast is a secondary sex organ. 乳腺是属于第二性征器官。
- As a boy goes through adolescence, his secondary sex characteristics develop. 作为一个青春期男孩,这是他的第二性征在发展。
- Any of several steroid hormones produced chiefly by the ovaries and responsible for promoting estrus and the development and maintenance of female secondary sex characteristics. 雌激素一种主要由卵巢分泌的类固醇激素,用来刺激性交,形成和保持女性的第二性特征
- The constraints in beauty, sex, love which fairy tales impose on women will potentially refrain them from fully developing and thus make them become secondary sex. 它在美貌、性、爱情方面对女性的限定将束缚女性的发展,使女性成为真正的第二性。
- It reveals the feebleness aspect of female as secondary sex by the unique angle of view to the people, as well as the brutal scene that the might and the violence did play a role in female. 它以独特的视角向人们揭示了女性作为社会中的第二性的弱势局面,以及强权与暴力作用于女性时的残酷场景。
- One having the reproductive organs and many of the secondary sex characteristics of both sexes. 两性体具有生殖器官和第二性征的许多特点的个体
- Sex is no longer the taboo subject it used to be. 现在不再像过去那样把性的问题视为禁区。
- Everybody can come to this school, without respect to class, race, or sex. 不论阶级,种族,性别,人人都可进这所学校上课。
- She's too inhibited to laugh at jokes about sex. 她很拘谨,听到性爱笑话也不笑。
- Is this behaviour typical of the male sex? 这种行为是雄性特有的吗?
- Her age is of secondary interest. 她的年龄不太重要。
- There's too much sex in the film. 这电影里色情场面太多。
- That mystery movie has some steamy sex scenes. 那部悬疑片有一些过火的做爱镜头。
- Nowadays, smart studs practice safe sex. 在今日,聪明的性活跃者会选择安全的性。
- She disguised her true sex under a man's garment. 她身穿男装来掩饰自己的真实性别。
- In secondary school, children get more advanced knowledge. 在中学,孩子获得更深一些的知识。
- He gets vicarious pleasure by going to watch films about sex. 他去看色情电影,藉以从想象中获得代入感的愉悦。
- One who solicits and accepts payment for sex acts. 妓女或男娼拉客并接受性行为报酬的人
- A secondary matter; a side issue. 次要的第二位的事; 较次要的问题
- Consisting of members of this sex. 男性组成的由这种性别的成员组成的