- secondary radiation sickness 二次放射病, 继发放射病
- Clinical observation of iatrogenic acute radiation sickness. 医源性急性放射病的临床观察
- Many soldiers suffered radiation sickness after being present, without protection, at the early atomic tests. 在未作防护参与早期的原子试验后,许多军人患了放射病。
- Prospect for application of umbilical cord blood to clinical treatment of radiation sickness. 脐血在放射病临床应用中的前景。
- Objective The therapeutic effect of rhGM-CSF and rhEPO was estimated in 3 patients with acute radiation sickness(ARS). 目的 观察rhGM CSF、rhEPO在 3例急性放射病 (ARS)救治中的疗效。
- The reason is that charged particles and high-energy photons interact with the rocky shielding material, producing showers of secondary radiation within the meteorite. 原因在于带电粒子与高能光子会与岩石遮蔽物质交互作用,在陨石内部引发二次辐射的簇射。
- As the others were recovering, Kaz fell ill with all the symptoms of radiation sickness. 当家里其他人都在康复时,和子却病倒了,辐射病的症状全出现了。
- The results indicate that, the secondary radiation is a usable resource in radiobiological research on HIRFL when experiment are in progress. 由此表明,兰州重离子加速器辐照终端在进行生物学实验时产生的次级辐射是可能利用的诱变源。
- The disaster killed 31 people, hospitalized hundreds more with radiation sickness, and forced evacuation of 135,000 from the area. 这场灾难造成31人死亡,数百人因放射性疾病住院,并迫使135000人从该地区撤离。
- Characterization of changes in composition and function of erythrocyte membrane proteins in patients with bone marrow form of acute radiation sickness. 骨髓型急性放射病患者红细胞膜蛋白组成与功能变化特征。
- Following-up laboratory study for erythrocyte CR-1 quantity gene expression and activity in five patients with acute radiation sickness. 五例急性放射病病人红细胞CR1数量基因表达及活性随访实验研究。
- Objective To study the change regularity of red cell immune function in patients with moderate or severe acute radiation sickness (ARS). 目的研究中、重度骨髓型急性放射病病人红细胞免疫功能变化规律。
- It is evident thatthe thymosin F_5 had protective effect on thymus and bone marrow ofexperimental mice with acute radiation sickness. 初步探讨了胸腺素F_5对急性放射病治疗作用的可能机制。
- A bad particle squall could cause radiation sickness severe enough to incapacitate or even kill a Mars-ship crew on the spot. 但相关设备的体积无疑是巨大的,同时也会大大消耗飞船的能量供应,更为严重的是,其所产生的强大磁场本身也会对宇航员构成伤害。
- The medicine worked better than anything in the doctor's bag, since the only known treatment for radiation sickness was rest. 这种药比医生药箱里的任何药都好,因为对放射性疾病已知的唯一治疗方法就是休息。
- We get heat from the heater core, sort of a secondary radiator, which is part of the car's cooling system. 我们从加热器获取热量,加热器是第二级散热器的一种,它是空调系统的一部分。
- "What it amounts to," said Billings, "is that The Goose can convert any radioactive isotope into a stable one.It has developed the perfect defense against radiation sickness. “也就是说,”比林斯说道,“这只鹅能够把任何放射性同位素转变成稳定的同位素,它产生了一套完整的放射性疾病防御系统。”
- Conclusion With the above advantages,the prospect for application of umbilical cord blood is encouraging,particularly in the clinical treatment of radiation sickness. 结论鉴于脐血诸多优点,其临床应用前景十分广阔,在放射病临床应用将大有希望。
- The United States dropped single bombs on the two Japanese cities in August 1945, killing tens of thousands immediately and many more later from radiation sickness. 1945年,美国向日本的两个城市扔了一枚原子弹,立刻杀害了成千上万的从们,许多后来也得了辐射疾病。
- Secondary Radiator: When the temperature does not exceed the set temperature, the secondary radiator operates at low speed, and the fan icon on the LCD panel will rotate. 次要散热装置:当温度超越实质温度时,次要散热装置开始以低速运做,风扇标志出现在液晶面板上。