- She catch the insect by invert her cup over it. 她把杯子倒扣在昆虫上,将它逮住了。
- Her age is of secondary interest. 她的年龄不太重要。
- secondary inverter 二次逆变
- In secondary school, children get more advanced knowledge. 在中学,孩子获得更深一些的知识。
- A secondary matter; a side issue. 次要的第二位的事; 较次要的问题
- A secondary mine passageway between two main shafts or tunnels. 次要矿山甬道矿井中连接两条大隧道的小巷道
- The government introduced universal secondary education years ago. 几年前,政府就倡导普及中等教育。
- Our aim is that all children complete secondary education. 我们的宗旨是让所有孩子完成中等教育。
- Many older people still believe that women's careers are secondary. 许多年岁大一点的人仍然认为妇女的职业生涯并不那么重要。
- All other considerations are secondary to his safety. 现在首先要考虑的是他的安全,其他事都是次要的。
- Saint Louis inverter welding machine Co., Ltd. 中法合资圣路易逆变电焊机制造有限公司。
- Research on Single-phase Inverter Power. 单相逆变器电源的研制。
- In secondary school, students get more advanced knowledge. 在中学里,学生获得更深一些的知识。
- The inverter reconstyunction of mine ventilator. 矿用通风机的变频改造。
- This paper deals with a power inverter based-DSP. 本文研究了基于DSP的电力逆变器。
- And we have 11 China Patent in FBT, Power Inverter. 同时我们的回扫变压器、逆变器等产品已经拥有11项国家专利。
- The chair be invert on the table . 椅子倒放在桌子上。
- Place a plate over the cake tin and invert it. 在蛋糕烤模上盖一个盘子,然后将其翻倒过来。
- Invert the differential case in the vise. 在虎钳中翻转差速箱。
- A secondary nitramide is then formed. 其结果生成仲硝酰胺。