- secondary attack force 助攻部队
- Rave Master - Special Attack Force! 中文名称:圣石小子-特殊武力!
- I'll switch to covering the attack force. 我的任务转为掩护攻击部队。
- Afterward Sun Xiang also has one records the free kick secondary attack teammate to force a door open, what a pity is misinterpreted by the referee for the Oake repeat offside cancels. 随后孙祥还有一记任意球助攻队友破门,可惜被裁判误判为奥克迭越位而取消。
- The Harris condition is supernaturally brave, under his score secondary attack's lead, the teammate attacks with irresistible force. 哈里斯状态神勇,在他的得分助攻的带动下,队友进攻势如破竹。
- The airborne fortress, Gleipnir, nearly wiped out our entire attack force. 由于空中要塞;几乎完全消灭我们的攻击力量.
- We once had a very splendid opening in the competition, Beierbatuofu secondary attack Twiss score point. 我们曾经在比赛中有个非常出色的开局,贝尔巴托夫助攻特维斯进球。
- The latter half, the Iraqi cloth secondary attack substitutes vanguard Kruse to infiltrate sends wins a ball. 下半时,伊布助攻替补前锋克鲁斯打入致胜一球。
- The second half passes on to spend Laney to send out the key the secondary attack ball. 下半场传中为费莱尼送出关键的助攻球。
- Aituoao meets Meysey's two grain of secondary attack plum to open two degrees is the actual effect best illustration. 埃托奥接梅西的两粒助攻梅开二度则是实效的最佳例证。
- The attacking force was driven back to its starting point. 进攻部队被迫退回起点。
- The 47th minute, the Lowell secondary attack, the Dutch long-range completes the hat trick. 第47分钟,还是劳尔助攻,荷兰人远射完成帽子戏法。
- Warnings of an enemy attack forced the troops onto the defensive. 敌军显示出进攻的迹象,部队不得不进入戒备状态。
- Brawling has dexterity as its primary attack talent, and agility as its secondary attack attribute. 肉搏的主要攻击属性是灵巧,次要攻击属性是敏捷。
- Who do the joint Cylon-Human attack force rescue from the Cylon resurrection hub? 攻击赛昂复活枢纽的人-赛联合攻击小组营救了谁?
- However to guarantee that is injured not once again, the kopeck entire field has only hit 8 minutes, obtains 6 point, 1 rebound and 1 secondary attack. 不过为了确保不再度受伤,科比整场只打了8分钟,得到6分、1个篮板球和1次助攻。
- Left back Vargas also Peruvian and in Argentina's competition performs the attractive secondary attack in the week, helps the team tying score. 左后卫瓦尔加斯也在周中秘鲁与阿根廷的比赛中上演漂亮助攻,帮助球队追平比分。
- Lucifer was the leader of the Doomguard attack force of the burning legion in the first attack by the dark lord Sargeras. 路西法曾经是黑暗领主萨加拉斯带领燃烧军团大举入侵时末日守卫的统领,在他的主人离开多时的今天,他将他不灭的忠诚献给天谴军团以完成主人未了的心愿。
- Rare talent aspect, Antoine - 13 point 11 board, - Daniells 13 point 3 secondary attack, young fellow Zhu An - Dickson 12 points. 奇才方面,安托万-13分11板,-丹尼尔斯13分3次助攻,小将朱安-迪克森12分。
- The approach column may be single file, or even a regiment moving four abreast, depending on the situation and the size of the attack force. 接敌纵队可能为一列宽,甚至为四人并排的一个团,这取决于形势和攻击部队的规模。