- It was the sound of the gunfire of these paratroopers, the spearheads of the enormous landing forces that declared the opening of the second front. 作为大规模登陆战的前锋,正是这些伞兵们的枪声拉开了“第二战场”的帏幕。
- In late June 1942 the press of the United States and Great Britain was echoing the Russian cry for a "second front". 1942年6月下旬,美英响应苏俄的呼吁,“开辟第二战
- The desirable features of that project were merely that it would have initiated a small "second front". 理想计划的特点是立刻开辟一小型的“第二战
- I cannot see this as a real obstacle to a second front in Europe now, as Mr. Hopkins states. 我不明白霍普金斯先生所说的,这就是现在在欧洲开辟第二战场的真正障碍。
- I hope Mr. Hopkins will use his great influence to establish a second front now in Europe. 我希望霍普金斯先生能利用他的巨大影响,促使现在在欧洲开辟第二战
- He opened up a second front in the war on terror, in Iraq, before finishing with the first front, in Afghanistan. 阿富汗第一战线上的炮火还未平息,他就跑到伊拉克去开辟反恐战争的第二战线。
- Text Super Cooper died in the fighting injuries, as in animal Hexahedron car"s second front commander. 超级柯柏文在战斗中重伤不治,六面兽担任地汽车人第二方面军司令。
- On the opposite site of the strait, where dark clouds hanging low and the sea and sky mingling on the horizon, was the long-expected "Second Front. 在海峡的彼岸,在阴云笼罩下,那海天交接之处就是盟军将士们期盼已久的“第二战场”。
- Now a second front has emerged, that is, the sharp struggle between the great and righteous student movement and the reactionary Chiang Kai-shek government. 现在又出现了第二条战线,这就是伟大的正义的学生运动和蒋介石反动政府之间的尖锐斗争。
- I recognize the legitimacy of concentrated attack on industrial and military objectives, on airfields and air bases, in view especially of the coming of the Second Front. 我承认集中攻击工业和军事目标、机场和空军基地是正当合法的,尤其是因为即将开辟第二战线。
- During the WWII, the postponement of the opening of the Second Front was a reflection of the American's desire not to give the Soviet Union the possibility of quick expansion. 二战期间,美国延缓开辟第二战场就反映出美国不让苏联有迅速扩张的可能性。
- Yet despite all of this, Israel kept its responses muted, partly to avoid opening a second front when it was busy fighting the Palestinians' intifada in the West Bank and Gaza. 虽然这样,以色列还是没有对其进行反击,部分原因是想避免当他们忙于镇压约旦河西岸和加沙地带的巴勒斯坦人起义的同时,开辟第二条战线。
- The team recovered its lead in the second half. 该队在下半场重新领先。
- Germany and the Turks both saw in the Senussi the possibility of opening a second front against the British which would make it quite impossible for them to defeat the Turks in Damascus and Palestine. 随后在一战中,与土耳其人联手的德国人看到了塞努西教团有在英国人背后开辟一条反英第二战场的可能性,从而可以拉在大马士革与巴勒斯坦地位岌岌可危的土耳其一把。
- Our team scored three goals in the second half. 我们队在下半场进了三个球。
- Our team was knocked out in the second run. 我们的队在第二轮比赛中被淘汰。
- Heading the US'list of priorities is the War Against Terror,followed by the economy and critical financial problems,which have eliminated at least for the time being any interest in a second front in Western Pacific. 美国目前的当务之急是“反恐”战争,再加上经济和财政危机,至少暂时没有兴趣在西太平洋开辟“第二战线”。
- Heading the US' list of priorities is the War Against Terror, followed by the economy and critical financial problems, which have eliminated at least for the time being any interest in a second front in Western Pacific. 美国目前的当务之急是"反恐"战争,再加上经济和财政危机,至少暂时没有兴趣在西太平洋开辟"第二战线"。
- At the same time, the reorganization of the intifada forces, still used in the second front of the National Revolutionary Army designation, and in behalf of the commander-in-chief Helong. 同时对起义部队进行了整编,仍沿用国民革命军第二方面军番号,以贺龙兼代总指挥。
- Our team gained/had the upper hand in the second half. 我们队在下半场占了上风。