- One single, second class, to winchester, please. 买一张去温撤斯特单程二等票。
- A two- week return to brighton, second class, please. 请订一线去布赖顿的两星期回程的二等回票。
- Do you have a seat available in second class? 请问你们有没有二等舱的位子?
- Where is the second class lounge? 请问二等舱休息室在哪里?
- It's forty Yuan for a second class day return. 当天来回的二等票一张元。
- Financial paper Commercial paper issued by financial institutions. 金融票据金融机构发行的商业票据。
- One single, second class, to Winchester, please . 买一张去温撤斯特单程二等票。
- Dogs that have GREAT potential to be Second Class? 最有潜力成为第二等的犬?
- The interest deducted prior to purchasing, selling, or lending a commercial paper; the discount rate. 贴现率在购买、出售或贷款的商业票据前削减利息; 贴现率
- Book me two second class seats, please. 请给我订两张二等舱机票。
- I want a second class single to frankfort. 我要一张去法兰克福的二等单程票。
- A second class child return to Las Veas. 一张去拉斯维加斯的二等儿童来回票。
- Maturities of commercial paper range from three days to nine months. 商业票据的期限从3天到9个月不等。
- Are there any second class seats available? 二等车票还有吗?
- There are two types of commercial paper: direct paper and dealer paper. 商业票据有两个种类:直接票据和交易商票据。
- Second class had cane seats and bronze trim. 二等车厢有藤制座位和青铜饰条;
- Between May 1986 and May 1991,222 companies issued sterling commercial paper. 从1986年5月到1991年5月,有222家公司发行英镑货币商业票据。
- Where is the second class lounge ? 请问二等舱休息室在哪里?
- The right to demand payment from the endorser of a commercial paper when the first party liable fails to pay. 追索权当有支付义务的第一方不能支付时,可以向商业票据的背书人要求支付的权力。
- He bought a ticket to travel in the second class on the boat trip. 他买了一张二等舱的船票去旅行。