- They have a second home in Tuscany. 他们在托斯卡纳还有一个家。
- Can we look the environment we live as our second home? 我们可以把我们居住的环境当成我们第二个家吗?
- Because for me The Hague is like a second home to me. 因为海牙就像我的第二故乡。
- The foreign scientist regarded China as his second home. 这位外籍科学家视中国为第二故乡。
- "I don't have a yacht or a second home," he points out. “我没有游艇,也没有第二个家”,他指出。
- I have no doubt that "Mithura" will thrive in its second home in China. 我深信,“米杜拉”在它的第二故乡中国将健壮成长。
- DC: Well, obviously second home Grand Prix and home of British motor sport! 大卫-库塔:无疑是我的第二次家乡赛,是英国赛车运动的家乡。
- A certain profession, "Waner" class who spent more than 200 million purchase of a villa as second homes. 某位演艺界“腕儿”级人士花了200多万元购置了一套别墅当作第二居所。
- But if one, for all residents to purchase second homes are high taxes, it appeared to be too arbitrary. 但如果一刀切,对所有居民购买第二套住房都征收高额税,就显得过于武断了。
- It loves gaunt, aristocratic women and second homes, and hates oiks, gypsies, council estates and caravan parks. 这些媒体对病态贵妇和第二套住所充满赞誉之辞,对带小孩的单身者、吉普赛人、国有廉租房及大篷车公园却竭力诋毁。
- Yes,I suppose so. Well,thank you both very much for have me to stay with you. It's like a second home for me. 是的,我想是这样。嗯,非常感谢你们两位让我跟你们呆在一起。这好象就是我的第二个家似的。
- Yes,I suppose so. Well,thank you both very much for having me to stay with you. It's like a second home for me. 是的,我想是这样。嗯,非常感谢你们两位让我跟你们呆在一起。这好象就是我的第二个家似的。
- Employee: It will be hard to say good-bye. This office has become like a second home to me. 真不想说再见。办公室就像我第二个家。
- School is like our second home; therefore, we should profoundly understand its history. 学校是我们第二个家,它的历史,它的沿革也是我们必须要去深深认识的!
- Teacher, I moved for you, I love you, I love our class. You are my second mother, this class is our second home. 老师,我为你感动,我爱您,我爱我们的班集体。您是我的第二个妈妈,这个班集体是我们的第二个家。
- Your workplace is your second home and the people you work with are your second family. 你的工作场所是你的第二家,和你一起共事的人也就算是你那里的家人。
- Hushang second home buyers, the highest proportion of white-collar, which is the latest company Funafuti findings. 沪上二次置业的市民中,白领占的比例最高,这是福纳公司最新调查结果。
- Montenegro is a great place for a second home;it's also a place for laundering money. 黑山共和国是购置房产最好的地方,也是个一掷千金的地方。
- Albertan energy executives, flush with cash from the oil rush, have flooded the region, building vineyards and second homes. 而不列颠哥伦比亚省这个从来不出产葡萄的霜冻之地却开始出产上等葡萄酒。
- If an MP needs a second home in Dhaka, away from his constituency, the Chinese can help with the cost. 如果一位议员远离自己的选区,需要在首都达卡有一套住房,中国方面可以帮助议员解决其费用。